A photo from open sources Geological data, of which more than enough – evidence that there was a place on Earth – in the past, several millennia, and maybe several hundred years ago – a planetary cataclysm. The difference may be a consequence of the inaccuracy of the radiocarbon method. And / or … concealment data … about the cataclysm. He, the cataclysm, destroyed the pre-existing us civilization. But not to the end. However, one way or another, she, civilization has come to naught, although it may be that it’s just modern society relevant knowledgeable persons … – deliberately deceived, deprived of historical memory. And as the same geological data, the cataclysm process itself was as follows: Arctic the ocean splashed out to the Urals, Siberia, the tsunami went to Mongolia, China, Afghanistan, Iran, the Caucasus. There was a “reverse” wave – water began to flow back to the Arctic. This is one thing. Also – tsunami covered Australia, water left China, the south, Indo-China, India. About this is in the ancient treatises of these countries. Also covered – Antarctica, South and North America. Africa and Europe were not affected. Can so to speak. But they, apparently, also got it. This is different. And before cataclysm – the North Pole was – in the region of the North North America, and it shifted about 3,000 km in just a few hours. Met, although not particularly understood – the pyramids of Central America’s show that before the cataclysm, the angle of inclination of the earth’s axis was 7 degrees, and – in the “opposite” direction, otherwise – there was a change seasons, namely: in the Northern Hemisphere on the day of the cataclysm there was summer has come – winter; because the angle of inclination of the earth’s axis has become the current – 23 degrees, total – 23 + 7 = 30 (degrees). It, actually gives – those 3000 km. And the mechanism of this cataclysm – such. Due to the conditions that existed on Earth – the ice cap The North Pole grew – continuously; sea level was before the cataclysm, as geology shows, lower than modern 120 – 140 meters; World Ocean Water Volume – Area times the indicated level was in the cap of the North Pole. A hat The North Pole was a layer cake; was on top ice, water below. Because the energy coming from the bowels of the earth is ice melts. In general – on the day of the cataclysm, water from under the cap North Pole – escaped, acquired kinetic energy and beat – on the surface of the Earth, forcing the Earth to topple itself, The north pole began to shift, the angle of inclination from 7 degrees became 23 – reversed. And the South Pole – respectively, also shifted; Antarctica fell under the South Pole, before there was no glacier It was. Accordingly – this is not the Arctic Ocean splashed out to Siberia, and vice versa, Siberia – dived under the Arctic ocean. The result was the one that was. It was saved to the people not enough … but also saved. In particular, the survivors were built the pyramids of Giza, with the Sphinx, which are oriented – by the current position of the poles of the Earth. Ah, more ancient the pyramids indicate that the North Pole was – in the North North America. As well as geological data on testify. And there’s a moment – the pyramids of Giza with the Sphinx, built after the cataclysm – indicate the movement of the solar systems in the direction of the constellation Leo. In general – for the same horoscopes of the temple of Dendera also indicate. And according to purely scientific data, obtained not so long ago, although quite a while ago – by anisotropy microwave background radiation (relict) – the sun and solar system and moving towards the constellation Leo. Then is, what modern society has learned recently, it was known – the builders of the pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, the temple of Dendera. With that motion is movement in the space of the Universe – in absolute reference frame. And how the mechanism of this cataclysm worked shown in the cartoon – “Ice Age” – one to one. Generally – the authors of the cartoon did not realize that this mechanism was shown. Well, it may not be that they used my explanation of work mechanism of this planetary cataclysm, he, already, more than a dozen years. The launch of the mechanism was – or natural, due to growth caps, or there was an eruption of a supervolcano, there are those in the North America, under a hat, or … – it was an atomic bomb explosion, as in Mohenjo Daro. And, here, in that treatise, in fact, which known under the name “Bible” … is reflected, in general – uniform a fool about this planetary cataclysm. At comparing the size of the cataclysm, and the expected level the development of our previous civilization – a reflection of action only one character leads to the question, but what is this treatise?
Antarctica Water China Pyramids Siberia Solar System