Against the background of the red moon, three UFOs were seen

Three UFOs were spotted against a red moonA photo from open sources

Recently, just talking about the red moon, super moon and lunar eclipse that were observed on the morning of twenty September 8th in many parts of the Earth. Especially amazing the phenomenon interested fans of the mysterious and paranormal. Someone says that the bloody moon will cause a surge of violence in the world, others are sure that it is an omen of serious natural disasters. And some have already managed to document fix anomalies associated with super moon.

So, an Internet user under the pseudonym Crrow777, who is relatively well-known on the Web ufologist and amateur astronomer, regularly observes our natural satellite planets to capture unidentified flying objects and other anomalies. To do this, the World Wide Web regular uses powerful home telescope equipped with a video camera. Recently Crrow777 showed new intriguing footage depicting a UFO, flying against the backdrop of a bloody moon. In the video below you can clearly see how a dark round object flies to the right left.

According to the ufologist, he made this recording a day before the eclipse. The moon was already red at that moment. The astronomer notes that the new his video shows just one mysterious flying object, although in fact that night he managed to shoot as many as three UFOs. By no less, until an enthusiast for some reason began to share other videos he shot. Perhaps soon he and put them on the video hosting “YouTube”, where the first record has already become a real hit, riveting close attention not only UFO researchers, but also many skeptics who do not believe in any what aliens.

“This is an ordinary orbiting satellite flying around the Earth twenty-four hours in essence, “writes one doubter.” Rather just a meteor or an asteroid on the record, ” other. Many commentators criticized Crrow777 for being stated that lunar eclipses are provoked on purpose, and the last also was no exception. Some users did not fail note that the astronomer literally hates NASA and constantly criticizes, but often uses materials provided by the American space agency.

Eclipse Time Moon

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