Airliner escorted by fighter jets and UFO

Airliner escorted by fighters and UFOsPhoto from open sources

According to official figures, the Indian airliner Boeing 777 Jet Airways followed a regular flight on February 16th of this year. Mumbai – London. What if the connection with the aircraft in the area of ​​Cologne (Germany) was interrupted.

Two German Typhoon fighters were immediately lifted into the air. Interceptors quickly discovered a missing Boeing from radars, after which the connection with him fantastically restored. By however, fighters escorted the plane to the airport destination – Heathrow, because they feared that without them with Boeing some other similar incident could happen.

One of the interceptor fighter pilots filmed a moment, when the second Typhoon comes quite close to Boeing. Nothing unusual happens at this moment, however when this video is for some incomprehensible (at first sight) the reason hit the World Wide Web, users immediately noticed there is a certain anomaly on it.

Clearly unnatural found in clouds to the left of the fighter traffic. When you zoom in, you can see a dark UFO, which, hiding behind the clouds, moves towards the military fighters.

The device of aliens, the famous ufologist Scott comments on the video Waring is clearly masked, creating a translucent around him “cloak”, so it is not visible to radar, and only a video camera managed to detect this movement.

Since such masking radiation can propagate hundreds or thousands of meters, Scott continues to explain, then, quite it is possible that at some point the Indian airliner Boeing got into its area and therefore disappeared from the radar.

By the way, if you listen to the conversation of the pilots, clarifies Taiwanese researcher who knows many languages, including German, they also see UFOs, which confirms this finding from ufologists, as well as the reason why the video hit the internet. Otherwise, this video is not nothing that might interest Web users.

India Aircraft Scott Waring

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