50 years ago, bullets hit the 35th president of the United States. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot dead on the morning of November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas According to the official version, he was killed lone maniac Lee Harvey Oswald. People, however, doubt it. Almost 70 percent of Americans suspect a conspiracy. And now For 50 years they have been asking themselves questions: “Who actually killed Kennedy? For what? “There are no answers that would satisfy everyone. Therefore miscellaneous pops up periodically. Especially if there is a reason. Here as now – a kind of anniversary of the most mysterious and high-profile murder of the twentieth century. Even serious news agencies, sorting through the versions, they always remember the most amazing – from Milton William Cooper shot dead by police on November 5, 2001 of the year. Cooper claimed that the bullet that smashed Kennedy’s head was not released by Oswald, but by the driver of the presidential limousine William Greer, an undercover agent. Like, he shot from behind from special “electric pistol” developed by the CIA. He fired a bursting bullet poisoned by the poison of sea urchins. It is he – Greer – completed a secret conspiratorial operation organized by the CIA, FBI Fifth Division and Navy Secret Intelligence. In Kennedy two bullets hit, one of them in the back of the head Milton William Revelation Open Source Photos Cooper About Milton William Cooper from his words the following is known. Born in 1943. He served in the army, then retrained in ufologist almost like our legendary Vladimir Azhazha – being on submarine, saw a UFO flying out of the water – “object plate-shaped, which was much larger in size Midway aircraft carrier. Cooper went on reconnaissance from submariner Navy, came to Vietnam, where he observed a lot of UFOs. Then him appointed to the staff of the reconnaissance headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief US Pacific Fleet in Hawaii. Through hands Cooper, preparing intelligence reports, and began to pass shocking documents with reports on the activities of aliens. A scout, for example, found out that aliens have been wielding on Earth since the 19th century. And the Germans captured their first “flying saucer” back in 1936 year. Here’s what Cooper said about it: “When the Americans arrived in Peenemünde, some of our documents fell into our hands and metal objects from an extraterrestrial ship. We also captured some German experts. Russians also got part documents, some experts, and some items. “If believe Cooper, then in 1947 the Americans got hold of the “plate”, crashed in new mexico state. He supposedly even saw photos of dead aliens. And one living being held in captured from 1949 to June 2, 1952, until he died. According to ufologist-intelligence military conducted projects called “Red light “and” Dreamland. “They began in 1962 with the goal of raising air others – intact “plates”. For this, they say, was Secret Zone 51 created: Cooper testified: “… aliens provided us with three ships and their personnel in order to help we learn to fly them … we have not only alien ships, on which we fly, but also the ships that we built using technology captured alien ships. Thus, some of the UFOs reported by eyewitnesses from the USA and possibly other countries, flown by American pilots … ” Ufologist prospector Cooper, author of an alien version of the murder Kennedy. And here’s Bush. And where does one ask, Kennedy? Very simple: the president learned not only about contacts with aliens, but also about the method of secret financing of development work alien technology. It turns out initiates in secret affairs officials – 51 people, including 6 Nobel laureates – earned money through the sale of drugs. Cooper reported: “… in those the papers that I read specifically emphasize that when George W. Bush was the head of Sapata Oil, he together with the CIA organized the first major drug trafficking in his country from South and Central America. Drugs were transported in fishing vessels to Sapata oil platforms Oil, “and then from there to the shore …” All this, the US president was going to tell congress and people. And at the same time stop the underground drug trafficking. For which he was killed. This is Cooper’s version, which is indirectly supported by the words of Kennedy, allegedly once spoken American ufologists from the NICAP group. They roam the numerous books. – UFOs are the subject of exceptional research importance, – the president of the USA allegedly said. And in the early 90s former presidential plane steward William Holden told how in the summer of 1963 during a flight from Wiesbaden to Washington showed President newspaper with photos of UFOs. And asked him opinion. “What do you think of this?” – in turn asked Kennedy. “I am the son of a farmer from Georgia,” William answered, “and I believe that the Lord God certainly did not create aimlessly so much stars and galaxies. I think that it would be wrong to assume that we alone. “You are right,” the president agreed, but the topic is not developed became. In another interview, Holden stated that by looking at the photo, Kennedy became very serious and, having thought a little, answered: “I would wanted to tell people about the UFO situation, but my hands are tied. ” Living will not give up! – Kennedy awareness rumors about aliens are greatly exaggerated, – says Mikhail Gershtein, Chairman of the Ufa Commission of the Russian Geographical society. -In 1964, this NICAP group prepared a compilation “UFO Testimonies” with statements by all American politicians about the “plates”. Kennedy’s words of 1961 could have become his authentic decoration. But for some reason they are not. Steward story checked by ufologist Robert Collins – not too lazy to find a list personnel of the presidential plane. In 1963, William Holden was not there numbered. About Cooper’s version of the background to the Kennedy assassination it’s hard to reason at all, because it is a mixture ufological myths and numerous falsifications. Back in 1990 editorial board of UFO Magazine led by ufologist Don Ecker devoted a series of articles to the “former intelligence officer” under the heading “Lies.” For example, Cooper was convicted that he could not prepare special reports for the fleet commander and serve as part of a permanent intelligence group, because it simply was not there. After that, Cooper became telling that he just stole documents, made copies and put on a place. But at the request to show them – copies – he replied that they had burned down during a fire in the garage. However, the firefighters who were contacted ufologists, did not confirm that Cooper was burning any building. However, the “former intelligence officer” debuted as a ufologist in 1988 year with its stories about UFOs and a submarine, it soon became quite popular. His face of an unbending fighter for truth spun, Hollywood Entrepreneurs. Organized tours with lectures on country, getting a good percentage from this. But in the end, Cooper quarreled with both entrepreneurs and ufologists – with some because money with others because of criticism. Drunk, beat them glass, cut tires and generally threatened to kill. Tried to create militia units against aliens, authorities, the “secret US government” and ufologists sold to him. And he spread his views with the help of flyers and a small private radio station on a ranch in Arizona. They killed him there. Cooper has repeatedly stated on radio that surrender alive to the hands of the authorities. In the official police report without all sorts of details said that he “threatened local weapons the villagers, bullying them. “The ranch was surrounded. After Cooper shot one of the policemen twice in the head, shot him another cop. It seems that the “former intelligence officer” was sincere a maniac who has gone astray because of aliens. After all, besides everything among other things, he claimed that the Americans landed on the moon in the middle 50s, to Mars – May 22, 1962 and still have there inhabited base. But suddenly Cooper was framed? But in his version, nevertheless is there at least some truth? Americans … citizens of the earth, we are not alone … Cooper is not alone in his seemingly delusional assumptions. For example, Bob Frissell is the author of several books on human contacts with other civilizations – draws attention to words that Kennedy said at Columbia University for ten days before his death. Many then were puzzled. -The presidency was used to organize conspiracy against the american people. Before leaving this post, I must inform citizens about their situation, – said the president. American professor Lawrence Merrick in his book “The murder of the messenger: the death of J.F.K.” clarifies that Kennedy really wanted to talk about aliens. In consultation with UFO-savvy former US President Dwight Eisenhower and with his brother Robert, decided to do the most sensational in the history of mankind official recognition 22 November 1963 But he was not given. Merrick says he saw the text President’s failed speech. And leads in the book of excerpts: “… Mine fellow citizens, Americans … citizens of the Earth, we are not alone … How President, I assure you that these creatures do not want us to harm. On the contrary, they promise us to prevail over the common enemies of everything Humanity – tyrants, poverty, disease and war … Together with with them we can create a better world … “. And rumors that Kennedy met with aliens, really walked. In 1962 they swept the USA so powerfully that they demanded official denial. Vice President Lindon spoke with him. Johnson: “As for the Saturnian ship landing on Air Force base, this rumor is simply not based on anything. We do not have law that would stop the spread of such colorful fiction. An alternative would be to introduce censorship restricting freedom of speech, which would do more harm than good. “John himself Kennedy makes no public statements about the “flying saucers” did. QUESTION REBROM What did this know about UFO Dwight Eisenhower what John Kennedy consulted with him, getting ready for exposing? Turns out Dwight D. Eisenhower – the predecessor of Kennedy, who ruled the United States from 1953 to 1961, three times personally met with aliens at US military bases. This was in an interview with the British channel BBC2 famous ufologist Timothy Good, who once served consultant to the Pentagon and the US Congress. If you believe the ufologist, then organized negotiations with FBI aliens, previously establishing telepathic contact with them. And one of the summits the galactic level allegedly passed in February 1954 on the basis of Holloman (Holloman Air Force base) in New Mexico. What was “a lot witnesses. “The meeting took place at a time when the president officially rested in California. Where and when did the other two go meetings, the “consultant” did not specify. Goode also stated that the aliens have been in contact with several governments for several decades countries, formally and informally communicate with thousands of people around to the world. To the host’s question, why shouldn’t they – aliens – to meet, for example, with Barack Obama, Hood did not give a direct answer. And he just talked about Eisenhower. Enthusiasts recall that 34th US President commemorates a state congressman a couple of years ago New Hampshire Henry McElroy Jr. (Henry McElroy Jr.). He said that he saw a document intended for Eisenhower in which was notified of the arrival of aliens in the United States and offered with meet them. McElroy complained that he could not establish the place and meeting time. But believed that it took place. Goode assures that Eisenhower met with the so-called “grays” – quite good-natured aliens of a textbook kind – with huge heads and eyes. – In February 1954, Dwight Eisenhower really rested in California (Palm Springs, California). -Michael Gerstein comments on the Good’s bike. – And suddenly disappeared. The press service explained that the president needed an urgent dental care. But ufologists have argued and are claiming that in fact, the president flew to the U.S. Air Force base. Not only Holloman, and Muroc (now Edwards). And not in New Mexico, but in the desert Mojave, where he received the ambassadors of an alien civilization. How then managed to figure out, “information” was distributed by someone Gerald Light – an occultist who “saw” the meeting of the president with the aliens in time of “astral exit”. Obviously, he simply invented it. The bike has taken root. From time to time, it pops up, invariably causing excitation. However something supernatural with Eisenhower still happened in 1952. This was told by one of the sailors with aircraft carrier “Franklin Roosevelt”: “We were northeast of England with the NATO fleet. Around 1.30 at night, a huge bluish white UFO. He went down and hovered 30 meters above the water. Then the UFO rose and flew to the left. General Eisenhower arrived in a helicopter with the admiral of the fleet, at that time just went on bridge. We looked at the UFO for about ten minutes, then just as silently looked each other. “Officially Eisenhower has always denied that UFOs exist. December 15, 1954 at a press conference, President stated: “Flying Saucers” exist only in the imagination eyewitnesses … ”
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