Alien are in Earth orbit satellites

Alien satellites are in Earth orbitPhoto from open sources

It turns out that in Earth orbit there can be not only human-built satellites, but also spacecraft, belonging to representatives of alien civilizations.

Two satellites – two puzzles

Foreign journalists wrote about this 6 decades ago and continue to write so far however the American space NASA still carefully hides all evidence the presence in the near-Earth space of extraterrestrial objects origin.

As you know, in 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite of the earth. However, there are still made in 1954 year images showing artificial bodies in orbit of our planet. These photographs, which were soon taken from free access by US intelligence, depicted two objects of unearthly origin in near-Earth space. One of them received the name “Black Knight”.

A photo from open sources

He was subsequently noticed repeatedly. The “Black Knight” is a huge claw-shaped aircraft (watch the video). Foreign media workers wrote in 1954, that the mysterious alien satellite even broadcast to Earth some signals. One of the radio operators even managed to track them. The specialist found that the signal came from a distant star Epsilon in Bootes’s system and went to us for more than 13 thousand years.

Alien Coded Messages

Do not forget the mysterious radio echo phenomenon, which opened in the late 1920s by professors Shtermer, Van Der Paul and Hals. Researchers studied radio sounding for two years Earth’s atmosphere. Transmitter in the Dutch city of Endhoven time from time to time sent into space a signal resembling Morse code, and took it back. However, on October 11, 1928, scientists recorded an incomprehensible phenomenon: following the main impulse the equipment received another, phantom signal, similar to a kind of echo. Secondary impulse was heard first 3 seconds after main, then after 4, 5 and so on, up to 18 seconds.

Inexplicable secondary impulses began to take and other radio stations in many parts of the world. So, in 1960, an employee Stanford University Bracewell suggested that secondary signals are encoded messages from aliens. The expert said that the Earth’s orbit is moving alien-built probe through which representatives extraterrestrial civilization trying to establish with humanity contact.

A photo from open sources

This hypothesis was developed in 1973 by the British astronomer Lunan. The researcher determined that the alien code accepted by the earth radio stations, contains valuable information about other worlds. Having carefully analyzed cosmic momenta, Lunan came to to the conclusion that in 1928 in Endhoven star codes were adopted cards. The aliens seemed to want us to get the opportunity to find a way to their planet or even a cluster of inhabited planets.

In 1974, they wanted to decipher the mysterious code of aliens Bulgarian astronomers led by Dr. Iliev. They found out that brothers in reason sent us in 1928 an indication of a double star Zeta in the constellation Grids and an image of a fragment of the constellation Leo. Graphic decoding of one of the signals resembled a picture aircraft.

And the astronomer Sergeyev, who works in St. Petersburg, got unexpected results by decoding secondary pulses from of space. The expert imposed a projection of ciphers on the celestial system coordinates and saw an image of a naked woman, and obviously not person. Really aliens tried to convey to us like this way your idea of ​​aesthetics and beauty? ..


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