Alien attack promised by the end of the year

The attack of aliens is promised by the end of the yearPhoto from open sources

Ufologists who are constantly observing outer space, calculated that a cluster is rapidly moving to our planet unrecognized objects.

Experts believe that this may be an armada of intergalactic alien ships. Moreover, the researchers are convinced that representatives of extraterrestrial civilization are very hostile, and no good first mass contact between green little men “and earthlings does not promise us.

What might be needed here by aliens? Our very “blue ball “, its minerals, or maybe ourselves or ours technology? The latter does not look very likely since humanity has not flown farther than the moon (and that is very doubtful) however, intruders have presumably overcome many millions of light years to enslave or destroy people. Naturally, we have been repeatedly scared by unfulfilled subsequently forecasts of the attack of the “green men”, however this does not mean that the next prediction of ufologists cannot to be true.

Aliens will not “play toys”

Experts say:

According to our data, the combat fleet representatives of extraterrestrial civilization will reach us by the end of the year. In this case, alien spaceships are now happening something strange. Future invaders seem to have realized that their spotted, and went on a deceitful maneuver. Armada part turned around and flew back, and the other part moved towards us with enhanced speed. In less than three months, she will fly to The earth. We believe that the strike force will attack us first, whose main goal will be the destruction of the largest cities in the world. This will immediately plunge society into chaos. Then it will fly to our planet another flotilla that will establish a new order here. However there is it’s very likely that they will simply destroy us all.

Ufologists also report that the governments of America, Russia, China and other influential countries of the world are well aware of the upcoming intrusion. At the moment, they say, are considering what they should do in this situation. On the one hand, politicians can negotiate with aliens and try to minimize the consequences of alien intervention in our lives. With another parties, the powers that be can “sell” us to the invaders and Set off to live in your luxurious ocean bunkers. Finally, a large-scale war is possible that will unite all the countries of the Earth in the face of a common enemy.

A photo from open sources

Famous personalities about a possible attack

It is noteworthy that more recently a similar statement was made famous English theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. Authoritative the scientist did not disclose the exact date of the invasion of alien representatives civilization to Earth, however, said it had no doubt in the aggressiveness of aliens and in the defenselessness of earthlings before conquerors from other planets. People, according to Hawking, in no way able to defend themselves against a highly developed alien civilization, mastered space flights over enormous distances. However, the physicist is “encouraging” that no invasion may take place, if humanity destroys itself in advance by nuclear war or will create powerful artificial intelligence that itself He wants to wipe us off the face of the earth.

A photo from open sources

Former astronaut Ed Mitchell, who passed away last year, did before death a sensational statement. He told reporters that I saw aliens with my own eyes. According to the American, outwardly the aliens were thin and small with disproportionately large heads. In addition, Mitchell said that the aliens are set to we are extremely aggressive and consider human civilization defective, unworthy of existence. The explorer also said that the US government has long been aware of intentions humanoids from other planets however nothing is rushing undertake on this occasion.

Finally, in April of this year, other sensational information came from the former head of the american national space agencies. Charles Boldenne whom NASA shortly before removed from work, said that the invasion will already happen very soon, and our days are numbered. Ufologists around the world counted then that the former astronaut was removed from high office after he expressed his desire to tell the world community the truth about aliens. The words of this specialist, who had access to the most secret and important information about UFOs and aliens is difficult call into question.

War Russia Stephen Hawking

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