Alien Contactees Becomes Everything more

There are more and more contactees with aliensPhoto from open sources

Despite the fact that the special services of almost all countries (and for them and official science) in every possible way hush up the presence on earth aliens, people constantly see UFOs, which means they are convinced firsthand that authorities and “pundits” constantly drive them by the nose. Promotes this and the availability of the Internet in almost every home, so every earthling today can get extensive information about aliens.

Moreover, there are more and more contactees who had to to visit “humanoids” by visiting their ships and even flying to alien bases, for example, to the moon or Mars. Of course, intelligence agencies immediately file a dossier for each such contactee (however, as with the most ardent ufologists and their supporters). However in these lists didn’t make many more, namely those who don’t really want to talk about your contacts with aliens or who is forbidden talk about it from the side of the aliens themselves. There are those who he just doesn’t remember such a contact, but he wears chips in his body, set in alien laboratories.

The documentary project “UFO. Special Dossier” tells how times about such contactees, and also many secret UFO materials explain why authorities misrepresent information intensely hide the truth about aliens from ordinary people. Most a common argument for such a policy is “caring” for peace of mind of citizens. But is it really so? After all understatement, a lie always gives rise to much more fear and uncertainties, and those in power simply cannot but know about this …

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