This unique anomalous phenomenon has not yet been found. unambiguous explanation. For seven years, Russian ufologists trying to understand who left an unusual autograph … on a fishing the tent. At the end of August 2005, a resident of Chrysostom named Dmitry rested on Lake Turgoyak in the Chelyabinsk region: he fished, was engaged in scuba diving. As Dmitry recalls, the whole vacation he was extremely lucky with the weather: stood all week forty degrees heat and not a drop from the sky. Only on the very last day it began to rain in the evening. Stopped pecking, Dmitry turned fishing rods and set about cooking dinner. Cover your canvas tent he didn’t become cellophane – he decided, so he won’t get wet … That night was for Dmitry rotary. He ceased to doubt that the universe inhabited … NIGHT LIGHT At about four in the morning Dmitry woke up from an unprecedentedly furious attack of mosquitoes. Set fire to aromatic spiral-repellent … And then suddenly somewhere above the tent a light came on. The source of this light was so powerful that it even lit the inside of the tent through a damp canvas. Do not risk a fisherman became and did not crawl out of the shelter – continued observation in relative security. Dmitry did not hear noise, did not see silhouettes, however to him managed to discern that the light emanated from the object round or spherical shape. Since he reminded the tourist of ball lightning, with which he had already encountered once, Dmitry was lying, afraid to move. A few minutes later (how much, Dmitry does not remember) the light turned off. It’s like someone turned off a mysterious switch. Fall asleep after this it was not easy, and the fisherman lit up the stove to recover. As soon as the fire of the stove lit the tent, Dmitry I saw a strange silhouette. A creature stared at him from the slope of the tent. from the movie about space aliens … The rest of the night Dmitry lay, looking at a mysterious stranger: two eye hollows, above them are small lines, similar to the superciliary arches, a long face, a nose like the trunk of an elephant or a fly … In the morning, a tent dried up and the silhouette disappeared. About the night incident Dmitry decided to nobody do not tell. SECOND COMING A few hours later Dmitry drove his friend Sergei. The rest week is over began to collect belongings and prepare for departure. And then he became drizzle rain. With tarpaulin tents at friends again stared night guest…
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They decided to move the tent to Zlatoust and show it to specialists. on the “skeet”. From the local branch of Cosmopoisk information came to us, in Chelyabinsk-Cosmopoisk, and our research the group became involved in solving the mysterious “Cases of Turgoyak alien. “ONLY HYPOTHESES First of all, I came to Zlatoust, where he met an eyewitness himself – the owner of the “abnormal tents. “After the interview, Dmitry decided to demonstrate a miracle and moistened the tarp with water. The pattern showed up – right before my eyes! Analogous to this strange case in the history of world ano-realism, we not found. However, the nature of the unusual pattern can be explained. the effect of keranography. It consists in applying the projection images are not on photo paper, but on other surfaces. Like that happens sometimes after a flash of lightning – on objects, on the skin human or animal images appear nearby facilities. How? This is still unknown to science. The light source above the tent could be ball lightning, a plasmoid, even UFOs – none of these phenomena is exotic for Turgoyak: in The most outlandish anomalies are often observed around the lake. But here is who captured in the “picture”? Colleagues put forward a lot of hypotheses: an insect, whose projection on the tent was increased due to the effect light typologies: a bizarre plexus of branches: an alien insectoid race … This really can only be guessed. Some researchers of the unknown, connected to the Turgoyak Case alien, “even saw in this artifact a certain analogue of Turinsky shroud with the face of Christ appearing on it. Well, everything can to be. Anomalistic practitioners know that sometimes even the most fantastic hypotheses turn out to be true, despite their obvious “unscientific” … Andrey LYUBUSHKIN. Chelyabinsk-Cosmopoisk. Author photo Comments: Nikolay Subbotin. (RUFORS) – Perhaps the source of the unusual night light has become geoelectricity. It can accumulate in earth in fault areas, which eventually fill with quartzite. Rock movements lead to quartzite compression and accumulation in it is static electricity. Under certain conditions, it may “drain” into the atmosphere, which leads to the appearance of self-luminous formations in the form of light columns, “dumbbells” and balls. These the latter are most often mistaken for UFOs. It can be assumed, that a tent was set up on one of these faults. In the rain it got wet and became a good conductor for geoelectricity. His the ejection may have altered the fabric of the tent. Similar silhouettes draws static electricity on film. Paul POPKOV, candidate of chemical and biological sciences, teacher of biochemistry in Medical Academy (Chelyabinsk): – Nowadays, fabrics are known, able to change their color. These include hydrochrome material. Its constituent cobalt salts, adding crystallized water, change the color of the fabric from blue to red. So, if a small white linen scarf withstand some time in a cobalt chloride solution, it will be pink in color. At drying the shawl, the color will change to blue. However inorganic crystalline hydrates are quite easily washed out of fabrics, so a similar chameleon shawl soon loses its properties. If you start from the nature of the material of the tent, you can come to interesting conclusions. Tarpaulin is a dense linen or half-linen fabric, plain weave, made of thick yarn. Shroud of Turin is also made of linen! Flax has a high hygroscopicity (moisture-absorbing ability) and small electrostatic charge. With increased moisture content on the surface of such a material or in the fibers themselves is enhanced electrical conductivity of the tissue, which allows it to dissipate static electricity. It is possible on this effect and the manifestation of the pattern is based. However, I repeat, to obtain a similar effect requires the presence among the fabric fibers of some hydrochromic agent capable of polarization and color change. IN conclusion I want to add that with the development of nanotechnology to the light appeared smart textile – “smart textiles”. The basis of this material – photo-, thermo- or hydrochromic dyes that allow fabric change color under the influence of light rays, temperature, humidity. Some smart fabrics even change color depending from coloring of the room or area. These fabrics are a symbiosis of textiles, microelectronics and special chemicals of course the old canvas tent has nothing to do with them. “Mysteries and Riddles “February 2013
Water Time Cosmopoisk Chelyabinsk