Alien Facts – Stubborn thing

Facts about the existence of aliens - a stubborn thingPhoto from open sources

For decades, people have been arguing about whether there are whether in reality aliens or are these errors and fiction. Governments, military and orthodox science are trying to prove to us that stories about encounters with extraterrestrial aliens – it is just a figment of man’s imagination. However, the world has already accumulated many facts about aliens confirming that they have long been are present on earth. And the facts, as you know, are stubborn things.

A photo from open sources

Where can aliens come to us from?

Astronomers Jill Tarter and Margaret Turnbull (Carnegie Institute, Washington) a list of over seventeen thousand closest to us stars around which there may be exoplanets suitable for a highly organized life. Turnbull says the planet must exist for at least 3 billion years so that there intelligent life was born. By the way, note on planets distant 60 million light-years away from us, humanoids in their super-powerful telescopes should observe dinosaurs on Earth. And how about this case fly to us? This proves once again that travel in the universe are possible only through space-time portals, which are also called wormholes, and not by overcoming tremendous distances in space. Therefore more correct will say that aliens are to us on earth than arrive …

A photo from open sources

Abducted by aliens

… Napoleon Bonaparte once claimed that he was abducted aliens. And indeed, in July 1794. he disappeared and somewhat days disappeared somewhere, and having appeared, told about his abduction strange people. Hard to believe, however scientists found in the bones emperor tiny alien objects and announced that it, possibly microchips. And more recently, exploring the skull of Napoleon, French scientist Antoine Lefebvre discovered unconditional microchip!

… in 1957 farmer from Brazil Antonio Villas Boas made statement that he was abducted by aliens who covered his body 23-year-old man with gel and after that entered into sexual with him contact. This abduction case was one of the first recognized by the general public.

… Heading the International Chess Federation Kirsan Ilyumzhinov considers chess the invention of aliens. Kirsan Nikolaevich claims that in 1997. he was also abducted space aliens in yellow spacesuits. It happened at night September 17th.

… In 2003 a special study was conducted at Harvard, in the time of which 10 people who claimed their abduction entered hypnotic trance. Seven of them said under hypnosis that aliens used them to carry out sexual experiments.

A photo from open sources

Alien contacts

… American Edgar Mitchell, who was an astronaut-pilot of the lunar module and the sixth man who set foot on the moon, stated that aliens made contact with people several times. is he also claimed that the government was hiding from the public the truth in this regard.

… A few years ago, the former Soviet general A. Savin and State Security Committee officer D. Fonarev told in detail the press about the contact with aliens and promised write a book about other similar contacts called Rendezvous in the Universe”…

And how do you like the statement of the ufological company MUFON, which aliens from the planet Matif recently asked him for help? we we’re not talking about UFO sightings by ordinary inhabitants of the Earth, videos about which literally flooded the Internet …

A photo from open sources

Facts about military clashes with aliens

In February 1942 Los Angeles Air Base Received many reports of UFOs in the air. On it repeatedly opened anti-aircraft fire, but the object remained intact. There are a lot of similar examples, and most often the attackers themselves suffer from an attack. However, more recently, representatives of the Air Force India said that they shot down an alien ship. True about the fate of the downed UFO, they remain silent. It is known that spaceships of alien origin often themselves crash, and then the military immediately cordon off the scene and take everything to the needle. In this case, the inhabitants say that he fell meteorite, plane crashed, etc.

I wonder who flew the American squadron Antarctic expedition “High jump” back in 1947?

Exoplanet Life

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