Photo from open sources
Contacts of earthlings with aliens end in different ways. Some aliens are immediately deprived of feelings, people, having come to their senses, do not they remember and only then learn that they “fell out” of life for several hours and sometimes days! Others are subjected to lengthy and sometimes painful examinations with taking various kinds of samples. Third being, according to earthly concepts, on the verge of death, “advanced” older brothers in mind bring back to life. About one of the cases Dr. Walter Andrews tells of such miraculous healing, former director of the International department of MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) – Universal ufological network. In early March 1973, Randal George, landowner near Burryville in the US state Arkansas, went on business to Houston. It was a warm, sunny spring day, and Randal’s alone wife, Joan, decided pruning apple trees in a large orchard behind the house, more than that this annual procedure has long been time not only start, but also complete. Joan – a short, fragile woman – with with difficulty pulled out a heavy three-meter staircase from the barn, leaned its upper part to the branches of the nearest apple tree and with scissors in hand began to climb the stairs. When she got to the very the top, the branches of the apple tree suddenly spring and push the ladder back. From a height of about two and a half meters, Joan fell to the ground back, and on top of it a heavy staircase collapsed. Female lost consciousness. Hopelessness When Joan woke up, then saw that on her beige sweatpants in a large dark red spot spread out in the area of the right thigh. IN she graduated from nursing school, so immediately determined that she received an open fracture of her right leg and a fragment thigh bones, piercing soft tissue and skin, stepped out, because and there was so much bleeding. The sun was already setting, which means she lay unconscious for several hours. Get out from under the stairs that pressed her to the ground, Joan had no strength, and she I realized that without outside help she will soon die here from loss blood. The unfortunate woman tried to scream, call for help, but, apparently, the voice was very weak, and no one heard it. She decided that doomed to death, and began to pray. Perhaps another hour has passed. It began to get dark. Joan resigned to his hopeless position, began to fall into oblivion. Suddenly deep in the garden appeared two personalities whom, due to their strange appearance, she initially accepted for local hippies, noting to himself that they are moving somehow strange, as if floating in the air. When personalities approached, then by their faces, figures and clothes, she realized that they are not like any one of those “hippie species” that she had seen before so far. The first person to approach her was a little more than a meter tall, very slim physique, with a disproportionately large head and piercing gaze of huge black eyes. On the face brownish gray barely stood out a tiny nose with a little visible nostrils, and at the mouth was a narrow gap. Nothing no ears were visible. On the sides of the body of a man hung disproportionately long (by human standards) hands, ending with four very long and thin fingers with pointed nails. The brushes looked as if they didn’t there was a thumb. The legs of the little men were short, it seems did not have a knee joint and could not bend when walking. But in this, apparently, was not necessary, since both visitors moved, gliding above the earth itself and not touching it, they seemed to be sailed through the air. There were no traces on the earth, and the grass didn’t even bend. The little man who approached Joan first the tallest of the two, was dressed like a tight-fitting jumpsuit gray-blue color, with wide cuffs on the sleeves, tight covering the wrists. On the legs of a man she saw brown children’s boots, suede-looking, and small on the head a hat that looks like a yarmulke. He put his hand on Joan’s cheek and she felt that his fingers are very cold and rough, as if wrapped in sandpaper. And suddenly Joan realized that she heard a voice of this creature, but not with the ears, but as if it sounds right in her to the head. The voice was very high, pleasant timbre, but with mechanical shade, like some “positive” robots from television science fiction series. The second creature was on half a head below the first, with the same figure and facial features, large black eyes, only the skin on his face all wrinkled, and the voice sounded like a little kid. And this little man was dressed differently. His jumpsuit was like a combination pieces of corrugated hoses of different diameters connected to one the whole: the body covered a larger hose, arms and legs – smaller hoses. When the little man bent over, behind the corrugation straightened, and compressed in front. Similarly changed the appearance of the sleeves when the creature bent its arms at the elbows. Feeling in in their minds the voices of men, overwhelmed by despair Joan to beg them to help her out of the damned stairs, although not hoped that she, with her injury, would be able to do this with two such flimsy-looking helpers. However, they easily removed from her and dragged the ladder aside, after which the taller – apparently, he was the main – invited her to stand on her feet. Joan pointed to the spot blood on her trousers and said she couldn’t do it, but the chief persistently repeated his request. Then she tried to rise, and, to her amazement, was able to get up quite easily, almost without pain. Joint dinner did not take place Feeling tremendous relief and grateful to to her saviors, Joan invited them into the house so that they could all have dinner together. To herself, she thought how well she could to feed such feeble-looking guys with delicious homemade food. But rescuers politely declined her offer, saying that they can eat only juice, not solid foods. Joan mentally “walked” over the contents of the refrigerator: there, besides any there were jars of orange, grape and tomato juice, and also canned apples and peaches. But before she could start to list their stocks, as the chief, after reading her thoughts, said: “K unfortunately, juices of this kind do not suit us. ” that she couldn’t thank the strange little men for her rescue, Joan asked when she could see them again. Her answer was somewhat puzzled. They said “they don’t know exactly because they don’t often fly along this trade route. ” Mysterious souvenir Farewell, little men gave Joan souvenir – a round object with a diameter of about five centimeters, similar on the medallion and having a handle at the top, like a pocket watch. The outer circumference of the medallion was a ring with uniformly located through holes, and in its central part there was a convex figure resembling a beetle lying on V-shaped support surrounded by small rings. Locket made of metal and coated with rust-like oxides. Afterwards the medallion was handed over to Texas UFologist, member of MUFON George Wood, who tried to figure out the symbols depicted on the locket and understand their meaning. Did he succeed in this, is unknown. With the consent of Joan from the medallion was “bitten off” a small piece of material, and John Schussler, then director MUFON International Department officially transferred it to NASA for research. But, as you know, NASA is very reluctant to engage that is related to UFOs. It seems that the study of this sample there were treated carelessly. Schussler soon got it back with in words that it is a material very similar to garth – an alloy based on lead and tin used in the printing industry for casting fonts. But even with a simple eye you can see that this is hardly the case, since there are rust marks on the medallion, which means that the material contains a significant amount of iron. Noteworthy what to give a written opinion on the analysis results at NASA declined. Everything ends well. Regarding the injuries sustained by Joan. due to an accident then it really was open hip fracture, but when she, at the urgent request of the chief lifeguard and savior, rose to her feet, parts of a broken bone inexplicably, they “fell into place” and were no longer disconnected. In this case, the bleeding ceased by itself, and a deep wound in soft tissues, broken by a bone fragment, became fast drag out. A week later, Joan reminded of the dramatic fall. only a 10-centimeter pink scar.
NASA’s life