A photo from open sources
Knowing the truth about the infinity of space, mankind with enthusiastically realized that it is not alone in the universe. Have appeared dreams of making contact with fellow minds. FROM the advent of the technical era, mankind has repeatedly sent to the abyss of space at the address of the “one who finds” letters. Who performed in the role of “space postmen”? And what was written in the messages stranger alien? First radio message First for radio was used for these purposes. November 19, 1962 from Evpatoria Center for Long-Range Cosmic Communications (ECDCS) into space in star direction HD 131336 Libra constellation gone first radio message. It consisted of three words encoded in the alphabet Morse code: world, Lenin, USSR. The transmission was duplicated on November 24. The only useful information these signals carried was artificiality of its origin. Arecibo Message 16 November 1974, astronomers Frank Drake and Carl Sagan sent message of 1679 digits. It was assumed that the inhabitants of the constellation Hercules will receive it in 25,000 light-years and will be enough reasonable to decrypt it. The message contained: numbers from 1 to 10 in the binary system, the most structure images elements common in nature (nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon and etc.), the formulas of DNA, man and the solar system. Posted by the radio signal remained in history as the “Arecibo message” by name Puerto Rico Observatory from where it was shipped. A photo from open sources
Cosmic Call and Children’s Message As part of the project Cosmic Call in 1999 again from the ECDS in 4 sessions was sent more than 50,000, divided into 2 blocks. The first contained purely scientific information (as the “message of Arecibo”), and the second – personal messages of everyone who could pay for it. Flew into space even “Brazil is the champion!” Such an interesting step was provided project financing. In 2003, the encore experiment was repeated. In 2001 again from Evpatoria the message that had a complex structure containing musical fragments, images and texts. For advertising purposes, children were involved in the project, therefore this interstellar message has remained in history as “Children’s message. “Of the last promotions, you can note” A message from Earth ” (October 9, 2008) and “Hello from Earth” (August 28, 2009). There were more stocks, but it was already a clean show for the sake of pumping money, not having no scientific value. A photo from open sources
“Pioneers” In 1958, the United States launched a long-term space exploration program “Pioneer”. For 20 years have been 19 satellites launched. Two of them, Pioneer 10 (March 2, 1972) and “Pioneer 11” (April 5, 1973) had a separate fate: after fulfillment of an extensive scientific program they had to fly away in far space. A photo from open sources
A plate of anodized aluminum. On the plate were images of himself “Pioneer”, man and woman, our solar system and its location relative to 14 known at that time pulsars, those. “return address”. The last weak signal from the Pioneer 10 was Received January 23, 2003 Communication with “Pioneer – 11” broke in 1995 g.
A photo from open sources “Voyagers” In 1997, NASA launched 2 probes: Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. The purpose of the first was Jupiter and Saturn, the second – Uranus and Neptune. As with the Pioneers, After collecting and transmitting information about the planets to Earth, Voyagers should were to go on an endless space journey. On the case each case was fixed, storing a disc with recordings images and sounds, and the needle to play. On the case The procedure for using the needle and converting the resulting signals in images and sounds. As on the “pioneer” plate, was left “return address”. What is written on the plates “Voyagers” Greetings in 55 languages, 27 musical Songs: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Armstrong, Java folk tunes, India, Japan, Africa. Sounds of nature: the sound of the wind, the crash of the surf. Voices of representatives of the animal world: birds, animals, insects. Sounds of footsteps, hammer blows and the roar of a take-off jet plane and (attention!) appeal by US President Jimmy Carter. Among images – photographs of the Earth, its landscapes, plants, fauna and man.
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
Despite a 40-year journey, scientists still support connection with the Voyagers. After 10-15 years, the probes will leave the limits The solar system, and communication with them will end forever. Postcards sent, it remains only to wait for an answer.
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