Alien satellites are already in Earth orbit

Alien satellites are already in orbit of the EarthA photo from open sources

The web has information that in our orbit planets are not only terrestrial spacecraft, but also belonging to unknown civilizations, particularly space ship … This was allegedly reported by the foreign press 60 years ago. However, even today, NASA’s US aerospace agency carefully hides this information.

In 1951, the earthlings launched the first artificial satellite. And in May 1954, newspapers published images of artificial bodies that, according to the authors, were already in orbit Earth at the time of launch of the satellite. Apparently, there were two of them. One of which reporters nicknamed the “Black Prince.” He doesn’t look like in the pictures either satellite, or UFO. According to foreign journalists, this the object broadcast signals to the Earth and was under control several states, including the USA and the Soviet Union.

One of the Ham Radio operators allegedly managed to decode these signals. He found that they came from the star Epsilon, located in Bootes’s system, but went to Earth 13,000 years. However, by space standards such distances are commonplace. Now on the Internet you can even watch a video depicting this object. The authors claim that the shooting is completely genuine.

Of course, the first thought is another hoax. What about to be with the mysterious radio echo phenomenon discovered in the late 1920s Professor C. Shtermer, Dr. W. van der Paul and engineer J. Halsom? They conducted experiments on two years radio sounding of the Earth’s atmosphere. In Endhoven (Holland) there was a transmitter, at certain intervals sending pulses similar to Morse code. Testers registered them in Oslo. October 11, 1928 Shtermer and Hals recorded a strange phenomenon: behind the main impulse taken instrumentation, followed by another signal resembling an echo. “Secondary” signals were heard after a certain number of seconds after the main ones. The pulses went in “series”: at first the echo sounded after 3 seconds after a normal signal, then after 4, then a pause increased to 5 seconds, and finally, the intervals began to change from 4 up to 18 seconds. Over time, some researchers came up with the idea that the sequence of pauses between the received signals and their echo not by chance. Attempts began to decipher the “secondary” impulses. Series of numbers were represented as the coordinates of some points on planes depicting a specific section of the starry sky. But there was no genuine scientific evidence for this hypothesis. Meanwhile, the mysterious secondary signals continued to receive radio stations in different parts of the world. In 1960, Professor Ronald H. Bracewell of the Stanford Institute of Radio Astronomy US University hypothesized that a series of radio signals with “echoing” is nothing but the coded messages of an alien civilization. According to the scientist, there is a probe in the Earth’s orbit extraterrestrial origin through which this civilization trying to contact us by returning our signals. Bracewell suggested that advanced civilizations can send special probes to many inhabited planets with information. This theory was developed in 1973 by the English astronomer D. Lunan. The alien “code,” he claimed, contains information about the world where the probe came from. Having analyzed the series “Cosmic pulses,” the researcher concluded that in October 1928, star map ciphers were sent to Earth, according to which the contacting civilization comes from constellation Bootes, and she launched her probe as much as 13,000 years ago. In 1974, a group took up the decoding of the “space code” Bulgarian astronomers led by I. Iliev. According to them, the “message” of the brothers in reason from 1928 contained an image parts of the constellation Leo and a separate indication of the star Zeta. By Iliev’s opinion, the graphic decoding of one of the codes resembles contours of the aircraft. By the way, in ancient Chinese chronicles that refer to the “sons of heaven” who once visited Earth, the constellations of Leo and Ursa Major are mentioned. A.S. Sergeev from St. Petersburg while trying to decrypt codes space signals received completely unexpected results. The projections of several “ciphers” on the coordinate axis were added to image of a beautiful woman of clearly unearthly origin. To be maybe representatives of an alien mind try this way give us your idea of ​​beauty and aesthetics? Margarita Troitsyna

US time

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