Aliens abducted the British policeman

Aliens abducted a British policemanA photo from open sources

British policeman claims he was abducted aliens while patrolling the road section. Also the policeman said that this is not the first abduction, and his UFO haunted for many years.

A British police officer filed a report with his superiors, in which it is reported that during the performance of professional duties he had to witness unidentified flying objects, hovering right above your head.

It happened in November 1980, when Alan Godfrey performed patrolling the neighborhood in search of the missing cows. After finds disappeared cattle policeman was strongly surprised because there were no traces or other signs in place of how animals got here. Then he called the dispatcher and going to come back to pass the shift. However, when The returning policeman was even more surprised.

Godfrey initially thought that a five-hour clock was approaching him. a bus that takes workers to local villages. But when the object approached, he saw that it was far from a bus, but a strange unidentified oval shaped object that is in direct the understanding of the word “floats” through the air and makes the bushes shake.

Alan quickly stopped the car, took out a working tablet, which intended to sketch schemes of various incidents, and right there set about sketching what he saw. After that all of a sudden a very bright light appeared, and the constable was again on the road, where he calmly drove a car. The device on which he made sketch, disappeared without a trace.

An interested policeman could not resist curiosity and came back where he noticed another oddity – on wet from the rain the earth remained a clearly defined dry area, that is, on the place where it was completely landing, moisture as if evaporated.

Godfrey initially didn’t want to inform his superiors about what had happened, because I doubted if anyone would believe him. But after some time it turned out that he is not the only witness to strange incidents in the area. The thing is, the truck driver, who was driving along the same highway, told police that he, too I encountered a very strange radiance and, as it turned out, it happened in the same time.

And this case was not the last in a series of inexplicable events. 1980 on the east coast of England. UFO signs appeared almost every day. Strange Flying Saucers and Objects harassed locals almost everywhere and this wasn’t no explanation.

Sensationalism has long been a major newspaper theme. publications and television news, but soon information about it disappeared and everyone forgot about the policeman.


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