Aliens activated?

Aliens stepped up?Photos from open sources of

In recent days, several videos about unidentified flying objects, which is regarded by ufologists as increased alien activity. This may well be due to some natural anomalies or unfavorable to the Earth military maneuvers.

For example, a resident of Misty Albion (Sussex) Elaine Costello yesterday managed to remove the low-flying volcano bomber. However, in addition to the plane, an unidentified person appeared on the video. flying object. It is especially clearly visible if the video recording slow down a little. In this case, at the end of the posted on YouTube A fragment of the video clearly shows a black ball-shaped apparatus. Note that the survey was carried out near the nuclear power plants …

But the Americans became interested in a kind of “dance” in the sky, which was demonstrated the other day by a UFO. Perhaps it’s not any aliens, according to skeptics, however a mysterious phenomenon it’s still interesting, especially since no one was able to explain, but because it fits the definition – UFO.

Residents of Ufa became witnesses, as on Saturday in the night sky amazing luminous objects appeared. According to Alfia Khafizova, who posted on the web a video about this UFO, it was six or seven balls, then after them flew another one. The flight took place from S. Agisha street, and then an escort aircraft turned to the city center.

The girl writes that it was just an amazing sight, to Unfortunately, neither the camera nor the camera can transmit it beauty and unusualness. Only the human eye is capable of this. Remember, a huge rising moon, almost half the sky, however, if you try to take this beauty in the photo, then, to your surprise, you will see only a small circle of the moonlight. About that the same effect when observing a UFO in the night sky.

Although in this case, there was some skepticism on the part of Internet users, residents of Ufa stood up for Alfia, writing, that in their city you can often see unidentified flying objects. For example, on July 5 this year, before the youth Forum “BRICS and the SCO” in the sky was marked by a UFO in the form of a horseshoe, according the edges of which burned bright lights. And it was observed by hundreds of people.

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