A photo from open sources
When the 24-year-old Australian Megan Liker (Megan Liker) came out married to Andrew Mayer, her former college fellow student, she has and it never occurred to them that they would have problems with the children. But imagine what these problems would be, I could not imagine probably even a person with a rich imagination.
Since Megan could not conceive in any way, then this and posited in civilized countries, turned to doctors. Last were in shock: a young girl had genital organs, at least least sixty old woman: her uterus and fallopian the pipes were worn out by multiple births, like a Liker on engaged in continuous production for decades children.
Naturally, Megan Liker herself can neither understand nor explain what could not have happened. Then the girl was offered to go through several hypnosis sessions in order to find out her past – what about her happened.
Under hypnosis, Megan Liker remembered being abducted. aliens on a “flying saucer” silver and delivered to the moon in a kind of dome-shaped hatchery, where in the transparent the cells (cells) were the same young girls as she herself. All of their aliens (which were classic “gray” small stature with big eyes and head) periodically fertilized (incomprehensible manipulations on the operating table in the form of medical examination, having nothing with sexual intercourse), after which the girls two or three months later gave birth to several hybrids. Children right there taken away, not even allowing them to be considered.
With Megan, this went on for about four years, during which she gave birth to 48 hybrid children, after which she became barren, and therefore not interesting to aliens – and she was returned to Earth, having previously erased memory.
What was filled in her memory with four years spent in this fantastic incubator? It turned out Liker was sure that served them in the army under contract, but in the Ministry of Defense Australia, where she turned subsequently, said that they such an employee was never listed that perhaps Megan Liker not everything is in order with the head.
Ufologists are sure that the memories of military service were just introduced into the memory of the girl, in order to oust others – about the incubator. However, in connection with this, the question arises – what kind of incubator on The moon, and for what purpose do the “grays” create an entire army of aliens? Maybe this is preparing a new race for the conquest of the Earth? ..
Colonization moon