Aliens communicate only telepathically

Aliens communicate only telepathicallyPhotos from open sources of

Today it is already obvious even to orthodox science that telepathy is not a myth or fantasy, but a reality to which we gradually approaching. At least it’s considered (almost believed since this is already manifesting in our lives), that the sixth race, which will replace the current, will have many paranormal from our point of view abilities, including telepathy.

The presence of telepathy in the Universe as an optimal form of communication between humanoids, contactees who have encountered aliens. The fact is that representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations easily find a “language” with earthlings, and this universal method communication is telepathy.

Two Telepath Brothers

At the beginning of the last century, two brothers Ralph and Wilbur Torres, living in the US showed amazed Americans telepathic abilities, as the newspaper wrote in 1921 New York Time.

First, the sons of a taxi driver of Mexican descent (according to newspapers) demonstrated their telepathic abilities for the inhabitants of Detroit, where they lived at that time. One of the brothers was sitting indoors, while the other climbed along with reputable witnesses to one of the floors of the newly erected skyscrapers. And the brother on earth easily determined which floor at the moment was his telepathic double. In one of these the priest participated as an experiment, and the floor changed almost forty times. However, the telepath on earth was not mistaken never…

Telepath brothers later showed even more in New York amazing things, because now they were tested for reading notes in the distance, and the professors of the American Academy of Sciences. For the purity of the experiment, the brothers were separated, and one of them secretly took away by train to another city, for example, across the country to faraway Los Angeles and the second on a random day and hour began to transmit a message to his brother. And there was none one case that the second telepath was mistaken at least in something – he reproduced the brother’s message sent to him mentally in word. Even in recent experiments, such messages already reached not phrases, but whole pages.

Moreover, the brothers never boasted of their abilities, were very modest and even somewhat abnormal in terms of modern society, because they did not seek to make money on their a fantastic gift of money. The explanation was very simple, although at that neither Orthodox scholars nor the inhabitants. The fact is that the Torres brothers claimed that they were not Earthlings, but arrived on our planet from another Galaxy, and that in The Universe is a single “language” for all – telepathy.

A photo from open sources

Magicians or aliens?

Moreover, Ralph and Wilbur constantly kept saying that soon they will have to leave Earth. Naturally, this statement provoked society only a smile, since every earthman believed that this only a cunning trick of young people who want to attract attention of as many people as possible. Fortunately for the Torres brothers, in the twenties of the last century, the CIA was not yet, and the rest US authorities have not yet been interested so closely similar unique personalities. For this reason, Ralph and Wilbur calmly demonstrated their fantastic abilities about three years after the peak of their fame, and then … actually have disappeared.

It must be assumed that these aliens really returned to the planet of their distant Galaxy, however, here on Earth they were counted just very virtuoso magicians. The townsfolk did not mind that the brothers were never mistaken in transmitting thoughts from a distance and that these experiments were watched by the luminaries of the sciences of that time. And even the fact that telepaths never staged a show for the sake of money, for some reason not whitewashed them and did not make society think, or maybe after all, it’s not just a fraud of two clever guys …

Presumably someone in the US leadership, sooner or later, yes still thinking about it, but it was too late. Space a ship (or whatever they have, maybe just teleport to another dimension and space) took the brothers to their homeland, where humanoids communicate much easier than we do, and them to understand any resident of the universe, do not need to study dozens, if not hundreds languages.

Time Universe Galaxy Money USA

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