Aliens: Conspiracy of Silence

If contact with aliens is already a reality, then information about This is kept behind seven seals. What prevents them from being made public officially? Aliens: A Conspiracy of SilencePhoto from open sources © Collage: “Voice Of Russia “In 2009, to the question of a well-known radio journalist on about contacts with aliens, information about which is allegedly stored in the “Book of Secrets” in a certain Green Room that everyone visits newly elected president, Barack Obama replied with a joke: “I would” told what is written in the Book of Secrets, but then I’ll have to kill. “The Western press was agitated by the words of the Prime Minister. Russian Dmitry Medvedev, dropped by him on December 7, 2012. IN conversation with reporters (which seems to have accidentally become the property of public) he said half-jokingly-half seriously that the president of the Russian Federation, along with a “nuclear suitcase” transfer the folder under classified as “Top Secret”, which contains information about alien visits to the Earth, and a report is also provided intelligence services that deal with alien control on the territory of our country. After the termination of presidency these folders, they say, are transferred to the new president. Ending conversation, the Prime Minister added that more information on this topic can be obtained by watching the famous film “Men in Black.” The statement of the Russian prime minister quoted the majority foreign publications. Some are convinced that Dmitry Anatolyevich is simply joked, others believe that Medvedev could have let slip what really takes place. Joking jokes, but in 2011 a fact the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations was quite official confirmed by the FBI, which has declassified part of the disaster archives UFO in 1947 near the American city of Roswell. Long time it was believed that the record of the opening of the alien and the attendant documents are nothing but a fake. Then, on July 2, 1947, on the southeast United States allegedly fell to Earth as a result of wreck a mysterious flying disc. Actually irrefutable facts confirming this phenomenon in declassified documents few. Mostly, agent reports on rumors, eyewitness accounts and several documents autographed by the then Director of the FBI �Edgar Hoover, where he gives directions to collect similar rumors and complains about the military, not revealing their secrets. Generally, “X-files”, but written in the laconic language of intelligence. there is opinion that before submitting your opinion to the public archive, Bureau staff thoroughly extinct from there all the findings and recommendations. In many documents there was only a “cap” left, and he text removed “for privacy reasons.” Actually the first information about the Earth invaders appeared in print and on TV when an independent group of British television journalists conducted investigation of many disappearances in the 60s of the XX century outstanding scientists and talented military men. Everyone thought they left to other countries to make money. Reporters interviewed their friends and relatives and discovered strange things: postcards and letters to the homeland of the specialists who left was like two drops of water. And although everyone’s handwriting was different, but the writing style was the same, as if they ordered to write these texts under dictation. Through a certain time, communication with these people was completely lost. TV prepared a program about it. After a while, they came stunning letters from viewers from which reporters learned something that was impossible to believe in: America and Russia, It turns out that they have been building joint bases on the Moon and Mars for a long time, for which is what they needed for the disappeared people. Moreover, they got a film allegedly shot from a spaceship on Mars. Under pressure from the government not to lose the license, the studio said about the rally, and the journalists were fired. Subsequently under collective with a pseudonym, they wrote the well-known book, Alternative 003. For a long time, they mainly accused of hiding information about aliens US authorities. Most of the “ufological” rumors went about Dwight Eisenhower. They suspected that he was the first of the powers that be. entered into “diplomatic relations” with the aliens. In February 1954 years while relaxing in California Eisenhower suddenly for several hours fell out of sight of journalists. Subsequently him the press service said the president was at the reception the dentist. But the version of the president’s relations with the aliens was confirmed William Milton Cooper (then he served as military adviser to US Government): on April 26, 1989, he sent 536 copies “Prosecution Petitions” to Each Member of the US Senate and House representatives. It reported that back in 1954, Eisenhower entered into a contractual relationship with the civilization of the “gray” -big-nosed aliens from a planet orbiting the Betelgeuse star in constellations of Orion. Arriving on Earth in spaceships that astronomers at first mistook for asteroids, they landed on Holloman Air Force Base, and later at Edward Base, where Eisenhower’s pre-arranged meeting with those who arrived humanoids. In addition, Cooper argued that many Powers and other influential persons established with aliens a durable contact. As a result of this, a kind of “secret world government, “known as the Bilderberg Club, based in Geneva. It has become a secret since the classified information about cooperation with the “invaders of the Earth.” This club, he said, serves as an overseer, keeping humanity in ignorance, why orders are given to destroy and compromise scientists, ahead of their time; epoch-making inventors inventions; archaeologists who “unearthed something”, and contactees, “not with those “who came in contact. The” Petition charges “contained lists of members of a secret international government, among which were called Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, George W. Bush, Nelson Rockefeller et al. In 1991, Director of the Geneva Institute planetary synthesis R. Schneider unveiled a report by Milton Cooper’s “Secret Government”, which said that since 1947 until 1952, only one territory of the USA landed about one and a half dozen alien ships. Some crashed, others made an emergency landing. As a result, in the hands of the Americans turned out to be 65 corpses and … one living alien. in the report confirmed the existence of a secret world government, entered into an agreement with representatives of “other worlds”. According to to this agreement, the “initiates” received some “advanced” technology in exchange for permission to use people for research. Why, to the question of whether there are on Earth aliens, public sector representatives respond negatively? Analysts propose three theories. 1. The purpose of silence is not injure the population with the realization of the existence of other forms life in the universe. In the framework of this theory, it is believed that the government knows the level of technical development of aliens; correlating it with the earthly level, it came to the conclusion that in the military sense we have nothing to fear – a conflict with extraterrestrial civilizations should not be. 2. On Earth, historically there was a certain “world government “standing above all countries and peoples and controlling financial flows. And it knows about UFOs, contacts with aliens at the diplomatic level, getting some kind of “technical assistance” from them in exchange for “modest” requests for the allocation of territories for them creating enclaves and exploring the life forms of the Earth. 3. Perhaps members of the “world government” do not want to publish the “X-files”, fearing loss of control over people. They believe the loss of power will be driven by people’s needs to study social devices of aliens and borrowing technologies from them restructuring of the state and society. “Federal government The US has consistently denied its involvement in solving the UFO problem, but I became aware that work on the study of these objects continue, and the FBI and the CIA are drawn into them. “American expert on Nuclear Power Academician McCampbell (1979) politicians and astronauts According to test pilot Marina Popovich, the first wife of cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, “UFOs see all astronauts, without exception, but are recognized in this unit. ” American astronaut and test pilot Gordon Cooper, who made two flights into space (in 1963 and in 1965), claimed that back in 1951, “during flights over Germany personally observed the UFO on the F-68 fighter. “In 1978 Cooper wrote a letter to the UN asking for a special body that will explore this phenomenon. Dr. Edgar Mitchell – the astronaut who completed the longest in history astronautics walk on the lunar surface, stated that “absolutely certain that the Earth was often visited representatives of an alien mind, and all these cases were carefully hidden by the government. “The head of the FBI since its inception in 1935 and until 1972, Edgar Hoover about the famous incident of 1942 (execution of flying saucers over Los Angeles): “We must insist on access to these flying apparatuses. In Los Angeles, the military seized the apparatus and not let us explore them. “In 1955, with a strange time the height of the Cold War, appealed to the military and scientific forces of the nation commander * Pacific Armed Forces Douglas MacArthur: “The nations of the world must unite, so how the next war will be an interplanetary war … The nations of the world must will … form a common front against aliens from other planets. ” Mikhail Gorbachev: “The UFO phenomenon exists and to him need to be taken very seriously. “Richard Nixon, President USA from 1969 to 1974: “I still have no right to discuss UFO and extraterrestrial intelligence information government. The discussion is ongoing. “Worth ponder whether the words of all these people whose adequacy no doubt in the light of their professional activities. (“Newspaper of the Don”, Rostov-on-Don)

Barack Obama War Time Moon Mars Russia USA

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