Aliens, discharged gadgets and … just hoax

Aliens, discharged gadgets and ... just a hoaxA photo from open sources

Look at the UFO activity graph in January (such a graph available on our website) and be sure to pay attention to the fact that compared with December, the aliens in the first month of the new year became appear in the field of view of people much less often. Maybe it’s connected New Year’s Eve? However, such cases are still quite a lot. We suggest you watch the best video on which captured some episodes of the appearance of unidentified objects in January.

Of course, separate, more detailed UFO stories are always look more interesting, especially since they are usually equipped comments from which the “volumetric” picture emerges what is happening. For example, a New Yorker who saw a UFO in the middle this month, wrote that he was shooting an amazing object in the sky just a few minutes, but in the morning a charged iPhone for these just minutes it’s not clear why it’s completely discharged. Apparently aliens somehow act on devices that try to fix them or somehow “join with them contact”.

But are all cases of UFOs valid? Following the video proves that there are many hoaxes in this matter. Oh this is how a person works, especially youth. If she sees ufologists interested in circles in the snow in their yard, will certainly try trample new at night if they hear the surprised cries of witnesses UFO, then do not mind making fun of people’s gullibility, so passionately who want to see a miracle with their own eyes.

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