Aliens fly on strange vehicles forms

Aliens fly on strange shape vehiclesPhoto from open sources

As one of the ufologists noted, alien ships recently time is becoming more bizarre, which confirms two conjecture: they themselves develop and improve their flying spacecraft, and possibly representatives more and more often fly to Earth other worlds.

On the other hand, one can notice that aliens are increasingly began to accompany civilian airliners. For this reason passengers remove all kinds of UFOs through the windows, which they are no longer surprised by the fact that they fly over our planet, but its form and attention to civilian flights.

For example, the other day, Americans, flying on an airliner over the state Indiana, witnessed an object soaring above the clouds quite a strange shape – in the form of either a hammer (mallet) or a hairdryer. True, the apparatus was huge, it even produced frightening from afar impression (watch the video), not to mention the fact that he was in the field of view of passengers was most likely watching the flying by plane.

Of course, there were skeptics who identified the unknown a hovering device with a weather sensor, but terrestrial weather services never use such huge and even more bizarre probes. Such a judgment is unprofessional, so, an empty guess.

By the way, the other day the Irishman posted on the Internet photos that he also made from the porthole of an airplane. Only in his case in a huge figure walked the field of view of passengers in the clouds humanoid. What it really was, no one knows. Ufologists suggest that this may be an illusion associated with distortion of space. Purely materialistic explanations Today, few are satisfied. This is understandable: people are already tired of one-sided “scientific” explanation of our multifaceted and mysterious the world that we are only just beginning to really know.


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