Aliens in China

Aliens in ChinaPhoto from open sources

For decades now, over the crest of the Great Wall of China rumors come of a disaster in the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains. Archaeologists and Celestial linguists gaining access to those discovered there artifacts, came to the unequivocal conclusion: in the distant past in an alien space ship crashed at this place. No matter how strange in communist China the hypothesis of the collapse of an ancient UFO was published in the scientific press. However, the hypothesis is immediately mixed with mud, and the scientists who shared the seditious assumption, I had to say goodbye forever to a scientific career at home. Some of those involved in the riddle disappeared without a trace, as they disappeared. all material evidence found in Bayan-Kara-Ula. Today ufologists have only a few surviving photographs Yes, a story similar to the plot of a science fiction novel. Graves big-headed In the years 1937-1938 in the mountains of Bayan-Kara-Ula, located in the modern Qinghai province on the border of Tibet and Of China, a group of archaeologists led by Chi Pu-tei investigated impassable area. Suddenly, researchers stumbled upon a rocky wall in which, like a honeycomb of a giant hive, blackened tiny caves. It soon became clear their true mission – the rocks around were an ancient cemetery, and 716 caves were someone’s last refuge. Scientists are strongly puzzled skeletons of this cemetery. It turned out that during the life of the dead were not higher than 130 centimeters, had disproportionately large heads, fragile build and thin limbs. There are no crypts on the walls there was not a single inscription or epitaph. After a long search, archaeologists found only a few drawings carved into the rock, yes strange stone disks with obscure hieroglyphs. Disks with a hole in the center were about 30 centimeters in diameter and 8 thick millimeters. From the center of the disk to the edge was a spiral path with small hieroglyphs of unknown significance. Archaeologists breaking heads over decoding of hieroglyphs, waved a hand – say, let linguists understand. And with unusual skeletons, scientists treated thinly oriental. Expedition Chief Chi Pu-tei pointed to report: “We discovered skeletons … of mountain gorillas.” “Strange some gorillas – meticulously buried their brothers in individual graves! But what about disks? “- with mockingly asked his colleagues. “Disks,” snapped Pu-Tei, “ added subsequent cultures. Of particular archaeological value they don’t. “Skeletons of” mountain gorillas, “just like almost all 716 stone disks were destroyed or lost during the Chinese cultural revolution. In the storerooms of several museums miraculously only a few instances of artifacts from Bayan-Kara-Ula have been preserved. Fortunately, the lettering on the disc managed to pick up the key. In 1962 professor at the Beijing Academy of Sciences Tsum Um Nui made a partial translation of hieroglyphic writing of stone disks. When with a translation other scientists from the academy got acquainted on its publication immediately banned, and the translator had to prove own mental usefulness. It’s understandable – 12 thousand years back, according to hieroglyphics, in the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains crashed alien spaceship. Alien creatures naming themselves drop, after a long interstellar flight reached Earth. At approaching the planet on the ship there was an accident – a giant the design, having lost control, collapsed down. When falling, many crew members perished. Survivors buried their dead tribesmen and began to repair the ship. It soon became clear – the ship cannot be repaired. Help was nowhere to wait, and drop turned out to be forever attached to an alien planet. Thoughts alien armada Some fragments of the translation recreate more a larger version of the disaster. “Drop went down to the ground due to clouds on their aircraft, stone inscription. – Ten times Kham men, women, and children hid in caves until sunrise. Finally, they understood the signs and made sure that this time the drop came in peace. ” way perhaps in the Chinese mountains not one crashed spacecraft, and the whole alien fleet. As follows from of the given fragment, drop more than once landed in Bayan-Kara-Ula, and their visits were not always harmless. What was the purpose of previous alien visits to Earth drop, how aggressively they behaved towards representatives of indigenous tribes, and what made them fall or brought down space armada – all these issues still remain without response. However, in the sixties almost no one looked for an answer – the Chinese archaeological society simply ridiculed Professor Tsum Um Well, I. The offended scientist emigrated to Japan, where he wrote the final version of the study of stone discs. This job noticed in the Western and Russian scientific world – scientists, albeit a small number reacted to her without a shadow of a smile. Russian scientist Zaitsev published a work in 1968, based on data Tsum Um Nuya, where he gave a scientific analysis of “stone disks.” According to Zaitsev, disks are made of granite and contain a large amount cobalt and other metals. When testing with an oscilloscope an unexpected oscillatory rhythm was detected, indicating possible use of discs as electric conductors. The mystery remains the technology of disc production, carved by unknown tools from the highest granite hardness. No less surprising, according to Zaitsev, is a hieroglyphic writing on spiral paths. He did not find analogues, not only in China, but nowhere else in the world! Legends of the Yellow Dwarfs Despite the silence of official Chinese science about the riddle Bayan-Kara-Ula, indirect evidence of an ancient disaster after all there is. In local legends and traditions, mentions of yellow-skinned dwarfs or gnomes descending from heaven and distinguished themselves unusually repulsive appearance. They were hunted by “people on fast horses, similar in description to the Mongols. They killed many yellow-skinned dwarfs, but some of their tribe survived. UK archives store documents of Dr. Caril Robin-Evans, who visited in 1947 with an expedition to the mountains Bayan-Kara-Ula. An English explorer found a tribe there, whose representatives called themselves Dzopa. Living in the lost valley, with virtually no contact with the outside world, the natives were no higher than 120 centimeters tall. Robin Evans lived in the mountain tribe for six months, learned their language, learned history and traditions; leaving the researcher left the girl who became pregnant from him. Most an interesting discovery of the scientist turned out to be a legend about the origin Dzopa. According to the undersized highlanders, their ancestors flew to Earth from the stars. During the story, the mountaineers pointed up at a star shining in the night sky in which Robin Evans unmistakably determined Sirius. Dzop’s ancestors could not fly back forever remained in the mountains of Bayan-Kara-Ula. Robin-Evans message could seem implausible if not for an ethnographic discovery 1995 year. Then the Associated Press informed discovered east of the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains dwarf villages people, the tallest of which was 118 cm tall. The tribe consisted of 120 representatives claiming to have come from overseas mountains Many researchers of the mysteries of stone discs then considered it tribe descendants of aliens from crashed many thousands of years ago the ship. * * * The mountain ranges of Bayan-Kara-Ula keep their ancient secrets, no less determined to remain silent and the Chinese authorities, not those who want extra noise around the riddles of the disc and the undersized tribe. And only one last clue forces enthusiasts to continue study. In caves where skeletons of stunted ones once rested creatures, carved drawings of stars, the Sun and the Moon remained. From one stars, bypassing the sun with a smooth bend, a chain of points stretches the size of a pea. At its opposite end, the chain abuts to Earth, marking the end point of the multi-year trajectory interstellar flight.

China Sun

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