Aliens killed Argentinean cows farmer

Aliens killed the cows of an Argentine farmerPhoto from open sources

Farmer Norberto Bieri from the Argentinean province of Santa Fe was shocked when he found all his cows mutilated the other day and killed.

According to local police, these mysterious operations were performed with the highest surgical precision. Moreover, the removal, apparently, was not done with a blade, but with something like a laser – this is evidenced by burnt skin around places cuts. Surprising is the lack of blood on the earth …

Alas, law enforcement officers could not find the culprit of these atrocities, and soon they plan to close the case. However, according to Bieri, he knows perfectly well who killed his cattle. The farmer is convinced that everything the fault of representatives of extraterrestrial civilization, experimenting on terrestrial organisms.

A photo from open sources

It is worth noting that this is not the first such case in Argentina. In various provinces of the South American country constantly cows disappear. Often, animal bodies soon find disfigured, and always in the same way as in the case being described.

The police only shrug. They used to assume that cows are eaten by predators, rats, or even carnivorous bacteria. However, when law enforcement officers determined that the tissue was removed from enviable accuracy, and even something like a laser scalpel, the cops simply refused to investigate: at best, here need to catch scientists (rather military departments) who use ultra-modern, experimental medical technology, at worst – aliens. Both that, and another – not in competence of police. Yes and outside of her opportunities …

It is noteworthy that, according to the testimony of Norberto Bieri, at night before discovering the corpses of cows, he saw in the sky above his farm mysterious bluish lights. Indirect but still proof the one who could do this …

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