Aliens landed near Krasnodar

Aliens landed near KrasnodarPhotos from open sources of

A resident of the village of Vodniki in the Krasnodar Territory witnessed alien landing that took place on June 2 at about 4 a.m. in the area of ​​the local enterprise “Vitamin Combine”.

The man was so startled and even afraid of what had happened that I called the police and reported this fantastic fact. Senior the local police department of the Prikubansky district went to the scene of the incident, the site carefully examined the situation, however no aliens or even traces of an alien ship landing not found. Despite this, a resident of Vodnikov continues claim that I saw it all with my own eyes. Aliens were huge growth, somewhere under seven meters, dressed in some fantastic spacesuits, and there were exactly seven of them. Unfortunately, at at that moment there was no witness with him a mobile phone with a camera, yes he and wouldn’t be able to remove anything: he was so impressed with what was gone, and then, for some reason, he was very frightened (apparently the aliens inspired him fear) that he tried to quickly get out of the scene.

A blood test showed that the man did not take alcohol or drugs, in the village he is considered a decent person: sober, a working, good family man – in a word, a man, quite normal, not prone to fantasies and hoaxes. therefore the district police officer reported this incident to his leadership so that so that material about the alien landing near the plant was officially registered for the purpose of further proceedings.

A photo from open sources

At the moment, the incident has attracted attention not only police officers, but also ufologists who began their investigation …

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