A photo from open sources In the Kirov region, in the village of Shakhrovka, apparently, a UFO visited. At night a few days ago, some the villagers were awakened by a strong roar, as if nearby two trains collided.
At the same time, one of the residents of the village of Galina also explains, for example, we have the bulbs suddenly burned out, and the three-year-old child somehow woke up and so excited that almost until the morning he could not fall asleep.
But … the most amazing thing was in the morning. Galina noticed on the roof the neighbors’ yard traces left by aliens are peculiar “windows” in two rows.
VKontakte group Kirov-Kosmopoisk says footprints on the roof – it’s just fallen melted snow, which lay in shape rafters.
Skeptics, by the way, are always and, moreover, very easy to find. logical explanations for such phenomena. That’s just how to deal with with a roar, blown bulbs, finally, with the fact that before that there were no traces on the roof, and there was also some kind of thaw that night. Not to mention a three-year-old child that woke up and couldn’t for some reason fall asleep for a long time …
A photo from open sources