Aliens love to visit the mysterious city Teotihuacan

Aliens love to visit the mysterious city of TeotihuacanA photo from open sources The ancient Mexican city of Teotihuacan has long been abandoned and of great interest only to tourists, because it is attractive to the oldest buildings and in the first place unique pyramids. Tourists come here from all over the Earth.

But the ancient city, apparently, attracts attention not only earthlings, but also aliens. At least over Teotihuacan they fly quite often. Suffice it to say that in March of this year tourist Ana Louise took off flying over the city, just above Pyramid of the Sun, UFO classic cylindrical shape. And so more recently – a new similar case. Two tourists filmed again, the pyramid of the Sun, and it was over it that they accidentally “caught” in Lens two unidentified flying objects.

As often happens, men did not even notice anything when shooting unusual, however, what the human eye does not see is easy captures an impartial camera. But surprisingly, more often total UFOs fall into the lens precisely over this mysterious the pyramid. Maybe the aliens are somehow connected with the city and those unsolved secrets that he keeps?

Although many ufologists suggest that UFOs fly constantly and everywhere, that is, in almost all corners of our planet. And what we see them or accidentally photograph only occasionally, explained the scattered attention of an eternally preoccupied person. That’s why those objects that tourists constantly shoot on cameras, like that same famous pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, and demonstrate so often the appearance of UFOs over them.

Although, of course, there is some kind of alien flight incomprehensible logic for us. For example, why do they fly most often over the USA? ..

Pyramids of the Sun

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