Aliens or aliens?

Aliens or aliens?Photos from open sources

Ufologists, especially beginners, are often called UFOs – ships aliens, however this is far from an exact definition, since over our Earth, under water, even under ice (read the note and see the video below), as experienced researchers say this phenomena, extraterrestrial devices appear that can be anything anything, and with minimal probability, as one of ufology veterans Jacques Vallee, – of an alien origin. Therefore, these fantastic devices are probably more correct it is worth calling alien ships (who came to our Earth It’s not known where), but not aliens.

Alien Flying Saucer in Antarctica

Another interesting anomaly discovered on the southern continent thanks to melting ice and, of course, a wonderful program Google Earth. This time, a team of UFO hunters found unusual structure that peeps out of a thawing cave Antarctica. This discovery was made by ufologist Tyler Glockner.

A photo from open sources

There is no doubt, the researcher writes, that under the ice of the South the mainland still has many mysteries, perhaps even legendary Atlantis. For example, last year pyramids were discovered here, very reminiscent of Egyptian in both construction and location in one line. And not far from these mysterious pyramids of Antarctica now a cave has melted, from which a part clearly looks out some extraterrestrial device, very similar to the classic disc-shaped “flying saucer”.

Presumably, there are still a lot of such hangar caves, since this is not the first find of this kind. It is worth paying attention to and that the entrance to the cave is very smooth, as if it were carved with a laser.

A lot of discoveries are waiting for us on the southern continent, the ufologist is sure, it’s no coincidence that Antarctica is so interested in not so much scientists today, how many politicians and military. This is understandable: which of them does not want to get extraterrestrial vehicles, which means fantastic technology…

Aliens over Ryazan

Yesterday, an unusual UFO flew over Ryazan. It is clear that Mysterious alien devices always and anywhere in our planet are interesting, but this UFO caught on a smartphone camera local resident, attracted especially close attention of ufologists and Internet users.

The fact is that a spherical unidentified object did not just fly in the dark evening sky over the Russian city, sailed like clarified the author, at the level of the ninth floor (that is, very low), he still showed some kind of gray structure moving inside, either strips or snakes. Maybe these are reptilians in Ryazan Arrived? ..

A photo from open sources

The video was so original, not like many other UFO videos that many picked him up foreign sites, among them the popular British newspapers The Daily Mirror and Daily Mail, which marked this video and comments on it on the pages of their portals. True british reporters made a reservation that this is most likely not a UFO, but ball lightning, ranking it as a natural phenomenon. Although still it is not known for certain what it is – ball lightning. For instance, UFOs are much more understandable to researchers, especially ufologists, although Ryazan phenomenon turned out to be much more mysterious than the usual “flying saucer” or “Havana cigar” …

Antarctica Pyramid Caves

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