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A meeting with a UFO does not always portend only exciting impressions and interesting videos that you can today put on the Internet and thereby become an accomplice in ufological investigation of this mysterious phenomenon. Often after such meetings people get serious mental disorders, lose something valuable in this life, for example, loved ones, and even they themselves disappear without trace.
Where is the time going?
One of the most common occurrences when meeting with aliens is loss time for people who are faced with something similar. For example, on recently the british witnessed how in the evening to the famous megalithic structure of Misty Albion Stonehenge flew up several UFOs in the form of luminous balls, who circled Wiltshire for a while, and then as if scattered across the sky.
It struck the man that the observation of strange objects over It felt like no more than a few minutes to Stonehenge and the shots are well recorded, but in reality almost forty minutes passed for the Briton. At first he was surprised that his watch suddenly ran forward, immediately deciding that it was somehow connected with aliens. However, it turned out that his watch showed the correct time, it just disappeared somewhere (fell out of life) for more than half an hour. it once again convinced the man that he shot the flying devices are far from earthly origin.
Note that many people who encounter UFOs lose time. For example, one of the most famous cases of such a strange phenomenon recorded in Australia in 1998 when a married couple at night (by the reason that the husband was late at work) went to another city to the wife’s parents, when suddenly the car driven by the wife became chase a disc-shaped aircraft. Woman in that the moment for some reason I couldn’t wake suddenly asleep deadly husband’s sleep, nor get rid of the feeling hanging over them danger.
When the car with the spouses nevertheless got to Jambur, it turned out that the journey was spent two hours more than usually, although a woman with a fright just drove the car, squeezing out of it all that is possible. It was surprising that the UFO pursued an Australian couple all the way however a woman noticed: drivers of oncoming cars do not pay to disk-shaped, alien apparatus well lit in the dark sky, not the slightest attention. It turned out that they simply did not see him.
On the one hand, the question begs – is it not a dream Australian UFO? But on the other hand, why did not my husband wake up and where did two hours of time go? By the way, in the same Australia a decade earlier something similar had happened to Mrs. Knowles and her the three sons who rode at night to the city of Melbourne. And although their I even tried to steal a UFO car, everything else looked almost also – loss of time and complete inattention to what is happening with sides of other drivers. It turns out that aliens not only know how to their devices fly fast, almost invisibly to our eyes, but be completely invisible to everyone except those who fell into their field attention.
Not only lost time remains a mystery after meeting with UFO
This to some extent explains the strangeness of another UFO, appeared the other day in Norway. Three luminous balls that managed to take one of the witnesses of this mysterious phenomenon over the houses as it turned out that not all were seen, or rather units. Although in this time in the city was full of people and in the evening sky it’s hard not to notice such an “illumination”. But as it turned out, far from all, and who noticed, for some reason were very scared, although nothing it seems there is nothing terrible in these fireballs. But it’s on the roller, in reality, the man writes, something came from the UFO – invisible but frightening, and it all ended only when balls of fire disappeared – as if dissolved in the night …
It turns out that not only lost time remains a mystery after meeting with UFOs, even the instant disappearance of vehicles aliens – for us, the secret behind seven seals. A strange metal objects that appear in the body of people, faced with an alien mind? Not safe, claim ufologists, and the study of the crash site of alien apparatuses that also sometimes broken. For example, in Mexico a whole group rescuers who decided to explore such a place simply died under very strange circumstances. Some researchers even saw a pattern in the frequency of occurrence of UFOs with periods of cold war between Russia and the USA. Maybe it’s an accident, but in At present, the activity of aliens is just observed. At this alien devices are becoming more diverse, as if new and new representatives of extraterrestrial flock to us civilizations. Is it connected with something? ..
Australia Drivers Time Life Stonehenge