Aliens turn to humanity

A photo from open sources

Earthlings repeatedly appealed to representatives of other alien civilizations by sending messages in the form of radio signals and launching satellites with information to the “one who finds”. A have aliens ever turned to humanity?

Strange Crash During TV Show

On Saturday, November 26, 1977, an announcer of an English television company Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) Andrew Garner familiar read the roundup. Suddenly the picture went in stripes, the speaker’s voice volume dropped to a barely perceptible level. Instead, viewers heard strange speech. Voice with mechanical shade (today most of us would call it voice “synthesized on a computer”) calmly, slowly, with read out, and without emotion, “appeal to humanity.”

Vrillon’s appeal

The speaker introduced himself as Vrillon, a representative of the Galactic the command of Ashtar. He said that Ashtar has been following life on Earth and seeing how humanity is inevitably moving towards his end, considers it his duty to warn earthlings of the perniciousness selected path. The main danger to humanity is its experiments with the “weapon of evil” – nuclear energy. Ashtar called for the widespread abandonment of the use of nuclear energy in any species. Even its peaceful use will ultimately lead to disaster. All “evil weapons” must be destroyed and prohibited. forever and ever. An alternative would be planetary disaster and flight people from planet earth.

3 minutes 47 seconds said Vrillon. When broadcast normalized, on TV according to the program the cartoon went, and in The IBA office and the police received thousands of calls.

A photo from open sources


The next day, no self-respecting British Sunday the newspaper did not ignore the strange event. About the “appeal to to mankind “mentioned” Voice of America “and popular in the USSR �”International Panorama”, of course, each with its own commentary.

As the police later determined, the strange incident zone It was a circle with a diameter of about 120km. Heard vrillon residents of southern England, in and around London, Oxford, Newberry, Winchester and Southampton.

Foggy Albion authorities declare “appeal to humanity “a trick of unknown hooligans and promised to the British very soon show intruders dressed in striped prison robes and seated on the dock. However, weeks passed months, and the hooligans all remained nameless.

From the materials of the police

The police found that to relay their programs in this IBA region used a station in Hannington receiving the signal from ether from another transmitter. November 26, the signal of the television company was suppressed by a more powerful transmitter. As a result, instead of releasing news from Hannigton went on air “appeal to humanity.”

According to the calculations of technical experts, the source of the bully signal was somewhere in the North Hampshire area. They went there detectives look for “pranksters” to handcuff them.

Useless searches

The police went around town after town, village after village, farm after farm, they interviewed everyone they met. For implementation bully design required a cumbersome expensive equipment. Bring her quietly, mount, and then it was simply impossible to dismantle and take out.

All owners of local transport companies and truck owners on the subject of whether they had recently time to engage in the transportation of technical equipment? Tracked down the fate of each “suspicious” order. Separate group engaged in ham radio, checked the location of each of them that Saturday November 26th.

But all the police reports ended with the phrases “not found”, “not found”, “not installed”. After 10 years, the British police admitted defeat, the “Vrillon case” was archived and fell on the shelf of “mysterious incidents.”

The authorities still consider the “appeal to humanity” stupid joke, and ufologists – an attempt to warn aliens humanity is about impending danger.

And each version has a right to exist.


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