American filmed several UFOs

An American filmed several UFOsPhotos from open sources of

A resident of the American city of El Paso in western Texas posted an unusual video on the Internet. On her citizen The United States captured three unidentified flying objects, appeared in broad daylight over his city.

The video was made on Sunday, the tenth of May. A few days later, the owner of the unique frames shared them with users famous video hosting “YouTube”. With the naked eye on You can see a couple of white objects floating in the sky. If take a closer look, you’ll notice a third UFO appearing on forty-fifth second. The first to consider it were the authors of the ufological UFO Sightings Daily. According to their findings, the unidentified objects are disk-shaped and made of metal – not It is possible that extraterrestrial origin. Perhaps the author I didn’t notice the video recording that I shot not two, but three objects.

The original video has collected tens of thousands on YouTube views. Some users of the site considered that the resident El Paso was really lucky to capture the ships aliens, other viewers with great skepticism, They began to assure the rest that these were ordinary weather balloons. In any nothing can be said for sure, because unidentified objects were too far from the operator.

It is noteworthy that in early April of this year, some residents El Paso spotted bright spheres that lined up in the night sky in a row and then faded. Does this mean that representatives Extraterrestrial civilizations are now interested in this particular city? But why? ..

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