The object of the correct geometric shape was in the crater, which in 2009 was hit twice
The explosion was visible from Earth
On October 9, 2009, the Americans bombed the moon. From space LCROSS (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite) Separated “bomb” – the booster stage of the Centaur rocket (Centaur) weighing more than two tons. At great speed, she crashed into surface of our natural satellite tossing a cloud of explosion to a height of several kilometers. A few minutes later in the same place, in the crater Capeus at the south pole, the second “bomb” fell – LCROSS device that shot the explosion. The flash, by the way, was visible with Of the earth.
Bombing experiment conducted by NASA Research Center Ames (NASA Ames Research Center). According to the official version, his goal was to determine if there is water on the moon. Her couples thrown away explosion, had to catch the instruments.
Scientists eventually found water. And announced that it is not available only in soil – in bound form. There is even ice that fills the bottom of some craters.
And fans of the anomalous made a much more amazing discovery. In the course of the experiment, they discovered an object of the correct geometric forms – a kind of impressive building, which is nothing but Alien base cannot be.
The “base” is visible in the picture, which lies on the table at one of the Ames Center staff. Specifically under Anthony’s left arm Colaprita (Anthony Colaprete), how to install. Next to him – Karen Gundy-Burlet Together they process data received from the LCROSS device. Reported about this on TV.
Looking at the recorded footage of a report from Ames’s center, someone from viewers and saw the details in the picture. Of course he is not was intended for outsiders. And he hit the lens by accident.
Photo from open sources
A shot of the building is at hand with a NASA employee
Photos from open sources of
Photo: NASA
The building is larger. It is in the crater
Photos from open sources Photo: NASAS is very large. The object is clearly not natural. Photo: NASA
Target Crater Capeus
There are three conspirological versions. Enthusiasts set them up on the site One at a time, NASA specifically destroyed the base aliens that were accidentally discovered in preparation for bombardment. To competitors from others did not reach the object countries that are currently actively planning moon exploration. For instance, Chinese. Or even the Japanese with the Indians. Yes, and in Russia, the mind would be enough to get there.
According to another version, on the contrary, seeing the “base” in one of the pictures, made with the LCROSS probe, NASA experts re-targeted the bomb.
In fact, another crater was originally chosen for the strike. -Kabeus A. At the last moment, the leaders of the experiment replaced him to Capeus, located at a distance. According to the official version, the new the place seemed more attractive in terms of possible availability water.
As the analyzes showed, in the explosion cloud, in addition to water (more than 100 kilograms), contained: 570 kilograms of carbon monoxide, 140 kg hydrogen, 160 kg of calcium, 120 kg of mercury and 40 kg of magnesium. Found so traces of ammonia, sodium, silver and gold. And who knows what all this “chemistry” indicates whether it is saturated with various elements lunar soil, or about the detonated objects at the “base”.
A photo from open sources
Explosion outbreak in the Capeus Crater. Some people think that he was nuclear
A photo from open sources Photo: NASAT, according to NASA, looked initial bombing Photo: NASA
Two more bombs
In early January 2013, NASA released footage made cameras that were installed on Ebb orbiters and Flow They were also smashed on the surface of the moon, but already on its northern the pole. On the night of December 17-18, 2012, they crashed into rocks at a speed of about 2 kilometers per second.
Ebb and Flow twin probes have studied anomalies for over a year the gravitational field of the moon and its internal structure under the project GRAIL (Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory). Supervised the project and developed probes Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The pair flew at an altitude of about 50 kilometers. And only before how to crash into the surface, sank lower.
The shooting, which attracted the attention of fans of the abnormal, was held December 14 – three days before the planned strike.
One camera shot the image ahead – in the course of the flight, the other – behind. Features of the surface of the moon appeared from a height of less than 10 kilometers.
A peculiar surprise appears at 56 seconds of the unveiled NASA film, which was composed of a series of consecutive photos. One of the probes flies over a rather impressive object rectangular shape. At least it looks like facing observer part of the structure. It looks like ruins in which the foundation has been preserved. Takes a camera mounted behind the probe, therefore, the object is deleted.
A photo from open sources
An object shot by an American probe looks like the remains of a foundation Photo: NASA
NASA has not commented on the appearance of the “ruins.” More Facebook removed the video with them from its official site – link, which previously led to him (, is empty. This is suspicious.
Maybe there really were traces of activity on the moon some more advanced civilization? And from clear evidence getting rid?
In fact, in the picture at hand, Anthony is really visible rectangle. And next – something similar to the remains of the foundation. Well, how do you explain this ?!
Check if the “base” has been preserved, there is only one way: times to photograph the area of the crater Capeus. But now it’s possible only Americans. Will they want to?
They have an office on the moon
The third version is even crazier than the first two. Its essence: there is an alien base building on the moon. But it’s not busy aliens, and earthly servants who lead there research work. Here is this young guy – Anthony Kolaprit from the Ames Center – got an appointment there. And considers The picture shows the future place of work. Maybe Karen will fly with him. Bombing has nothing to do with the base at all.
The version is based on the testimony of British hacker Gary McKinnon (Gary McKinnon), whose issuance has been sought for several years now USA. Americans want to imprison him for 70 years for hacking computers with classified information.
In total, Gary, who was known in his midst under nicknamed Solo, “split” 97 computers from 2001 to 2002. By his not malice for the sake of words. And in order to find out what is known in Pentagon and NASA on UFOs, antigravity, new energy sources and other technologies, possibly borrowed from aliens.
The hacker allegedly discovered the existence of a certain “Concealment Project” and reached approximately 400 testimonies related to observations of “flying saucers”.
Photo from open sources
Hacker McKinnon hacking the Pentagon and NASA computer Photo: KP Archive
“It was about vehicles, not just UFOs,” he emphasized. McKinnon in a telephone conversation with a journalist online portal Wired News. – Witnesses were people trustworthy, – military air traffic controllers and those guys who are responsible for the launches nuclear missiles.
– Once I met a woman – a photography expert from NASA, ”the hacker continued. – She said that in the eighth building Johnson Space Center, her colleagues retouched for days on end satellite images. UFOs are being removed from them. I hacked local computers – those that were in this very case. Till the connection did not break, I managed to pull it out of the “not processed” folder and consider one picture. She was wearing a silver object in the shape of cigars with some spheres on the sides. He hung over the Earth. Snapshot seems to have been made from a satellite above. I did not notice on “cigar” no seams or rivets – nothing like that “human”.
And the most surprising: according to McKinnon, he received access to the file Non-Terrestrial Officers – literally “Extraterrestrial employees. “It contained the names and ranks of US Air Force officers, data on which weren’t anywhere else. None of the existing documents.
– In the folder was also information about the transfers of officers from the ship to the ship, ”said the hacker. – But ships or military bases with such no names either.
It turns out that the officers “from the folder” serve – somewhere far from home planet. Someone, perhaps: on the very base from the picture NASA
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