Americans captured a UFO capable of swimming under water

Americans filmed a UFO capable of swimming underwaterPhoto from open sources A unique video has appeared on the Internet, owned by the Ministry of Homeland Security United States of America.

A group of specialists calling themselves “Scientific Ufological coalition, “states that filming was conducted from the military American plane. These frames, according to ufologists, were obtained by them from an official source, which can be completely trust.

Scientists conducted a study and found that the object on The video below is not a balloon, meteorological probe, bird or unmanned aerial vehicle. About it in in particular, the fact that the object moves underwater with incredibly high speed – over one hundred and forty-five kilometers in hour. Earth underwater vehicles are not capable of this. While out water an unidentified flying object develops a speed of almost a hundred ninety-five kilometers per hour.

Nick Pope – Former British Government Specialist who at one time studied UFOs, – said that these frames extremely interesting. “If the record is not fake, what, to unfortunately, it’s very possible these days, this video can call it very exciting. At first it seemed to me that it was just a military drone, but it really struck me when he flew into the sea and then emerged from there, and also split into two parts. So it seems unlikely to me that this flying The object was created on our planet. We just don’t do that yet. capable, “Nick Pope told reporters.

The Briton also added that these frames will excite anyone science-savvy person and he will look forward to new information from the Scientific Ufological Coalition.


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