An alien mummy found in Peru

An alien mummy found in PeruPhotos from open sources of

Archaeologists have finally found the mummy of a real alien? Note that ufologists have already said that such a find or must be, or she was already and carefully hiding.

The alien mummy was discovered in Peru, near the Nazca plateau. Scientists quickly determined that the found mummified body at least and belongs to a humanoid type creature, but it is by no means human. Firstly, the mummy has no hair on its head, the skull itself is large and elongated, eyes are huge, but the mouth and nose are amazing small, which does not correspond to the structure of a normal human heads. Secondly, on the hands and feet of an alien only three fingers and they are very long.

Many scientists are involved in the study of the unique mummy, moreover, from different areas of knowledge, all studies are strictly documented and stored on all kinds of media, including video, materials for greater safety and reliability right there duplicated.

Moreover, to study the alien mummy involved documentary filmmakers, so this time hide the fact detecting an alien buried on the Nazca plateau, this truly mysterious burial, no one will succeed. Although we wait – will see. At least Gaia filmmakers promise keep the public informed of all events and widely publicize this not an ordinary event – almost a sensation of the century.

Mummies of Peru

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