A photo from open sources
At the famous video hosting “YouTube” published a mysterious a record on which is allegedly captured dead representative of some extraterrestrial civilization.
If you believe the ufologists who posted this video on the World spider web, then startling shots were obtained in the winter of 1992 in the surroundings of the Canadian city of Quebec and to this day has been strictly classified. The material instantly attracted the attention of tens of thousands Internet users.
By turning on the video below, you can see nude corpse of a strange thin creature with a disproportionately large head and long arms. The alleged alien seems to have hung on ordinary fence. A group of unknown people takes off the body of a humanoid. with this unforeseen trap and puts it on the snow. Some Network regulars joke that they end their lives in the same way a lot of stupid animals: for example, a deer can run away bump into the fence and die, being unable to break free. FROM given that it was a harsh Canadian winter, this theory looks believable enough.
However, why the alien was in such a place alone, and even naked and without any technique? Really “green men” so primitive in their development? Perhaps that is why many commentators refused to believe in the veracity of the recording. By their opinion, we are talking about a mannequin, albeit quite skillfully accomplished. Doubters also note that whether the video a genuine, secret world government would hardly allow it promulgation.
But, apparently, it did not allow as much as a quarter of a century! Experts have determined that the video is for certain old. To whom is it such an absurd idea occurred to me – to remove a mannequin on the fence and then keep a record of 25 years to entertain her descendants? Unlikely. Then what is it really? ..