An incomprehensible object sank off the coast Brazil

An obscure object sank off the coast of BrazilPhoto from open sources

Antonio Heraldo, living in the state of Santa Catarina in the south Brazil, recently witnessed an unusual phenomenon that it was not possible to classify as a consequence, despite the fact that ufologists recognized the video (see below) as genuine.

Going out onto his balcony, a man saw in the distance above the water a bright ball of fire descending from the sky down. At first, our hero considered that a meteorite was falling off the coast, but then an eyewitness I realized that a UFO is moving too slowly, as if it were approaching landing aircraft. As a result, an unidentified flying object disappeared over the nearest island.

Of course, the Brazilian did not fail to capture what he saw on camera smartphone, because he was surprised and interested, but on the other hand, why not do it if the cellphone is in hand?

Many of the Network’s regulars who have reviewed the following roller, also felt that it could not be a meteorite. Object not only descended at a suspiciously low speed and under low angle, but also did not have a tail characteristic of fireballs. So Thus, many Internet users have concluded that speech may well go about an object of artificial origin, that is, quite possibly about the alien apparatus. Although anything can to be…

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