Another “alien spaceship” discovered in Antarctica

One more A photo from open sources

Tireless Russian paranormal researcher V. Degterev, if you follow his research, pays most to attention for some reason to the Dyatlov Pass and Antarctica. First the preferred place of study is still clear Valentine himself with Ural (Nizhny Tagil), but the ice continent why it attracts him so – little riddle.

However, this can also be explained, since it is here that Degterev finds the most interesting things, for example, the ancient pyramids, some mysterious bunkers or entrances to them. And finally – frozen alien flying ships into the ice. Valentine claims that Such discoveries became possible for two reasons: the appearance and improving map services like Google Maps either Google Earth, as well as intense melting ice in the Antarctic.

A photo from open sources

The other day, Valentin Degterev pleased his subscribers video channel a new discovery: he found in the pictures Google Earth mysterious object, very reminiscent of a “flying saucer” aliens. According to the researcher, he noticed this unusual structure still in the photographs of 1997, but then it was it is completely incomprehensible whether this is an artifact or a slightly thawed rock. Now however, when the ice from the object has descended even more, it can be completely determined what it is.

Firstly, this is clearly a man-made item, most likely crashed alien ship. Secondly, a very ancient artifact, which may be hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions.

To such a “plate” would equip an expedition, dreamily sighs Valentine, but … no private company is able to extract from under the ice this apparatus, which, apparently, has about 600 meters in length and at least 100 meters in height. Yes and no one let her do it. Such a monster can only an international project through which humanity could to get alien technology, and not only …

A photo from open sources

Note that Valentine is not the first to find in Antarctica crashed UFO. Unfortunately, all his attempts to bring to this the attention of world leaders and world scientists has not yet come to anything led. Either they don’t believe in miracles, like ufologists, or they believe unprofitable such projects, but most likely, as some write commentators know much more about Antarctica and its riddles simple Ural explorer, and therefore very careful even in estimates of such findings, not like in the organization of some expeditions …

Antarctica Ancient Pyramid Artifacts

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