Another stone UFO

Another Stone UFOPhoto from open sources

A stone disk, very similar to the “plate ships” of aliens, found on the famous Medveditskaya ridge of the Zhirnovsky district Volgograd region – in a kind of Mecca of all the mysterious and the unknown.

According to the head of the current expedition “Cosmopoisk” Vadim Chernobrov, such petrified disks that in the distant past could be anything, including aircraft parts aliens, are found on Earth constantly, for example, in Romania, in China. But what’s interesting: these mysterious artifacts have property to disappear. In Russia in January of this year, found similar disk in the Kemerovo region. It weighs two hundred kilograms, has a diameter of about eighty centimeters and its age was no less than two hundred and fifty million years. While he’s in local the museum.

The current find has not yet been extracted from the rock, since “Volgograd disk” is located in such a place (on a plumb line) that it getting is not so simple – we need special equipment, which means money, help of patrons. According to Vadim, this is relatively young artifact that is no more than two million years old (according to preliminary assessment). Inside it can be anything, for example, a message earthlings or petrified spacecraft mechanism details. it only x-ray will show, but for this, the disk still needs to be removed from it natural storage.

The coordinates of the Volgograd find are not prudently reported, since this disk may also disappear without a trace, like dozens of others found at one time in various places of our planet. Most likely, the ancient artifact will become a property Zhirnovsky Museum of Local Lore.

Message to posterity

By the way, members of “Cosmopoisk” this time laid in Medveditskaya ridge capsule with a message to posterity who will live at twenty third century. Vadim Chernobrov collected messages for her all year, who came from all over the world. However, as it turned out, accept many did not manage to participate in this interesting action in different ways reasons. Therefore, the leadership of Cosmopoisk decided creating a second similar capsule. True, she, unlike the first will be the property of the Zhirnovsky Museum of History. All posts for capsule can be sent by email: kosmopoiskDOG, without forgetting to make a note – “Message to the future.”

Ancient artifacts Cosmopoisk Russia

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