A photo from open sources Famous ufologist Vladimir Azhazha spoke with sensational statement that there are no aliens on Earth and never has been, and a UFO is only part of the Universal Mind, organically coexisting with biological life on our the planet.
The fact that UFOs fly and “watch” us, no one denies. Thousands of people at different times saw them, so it’s difficult suppose, says the scientist, that they all agreed or are lying. Moreover, in the dossier of the FSB of Russia and the NSA of the United States of America reliable information about flying saucers and other paranormal from our point of view phenomena. But all this for now classified. Why? Nobody knows that, but common sense says that aliens and UFOs actually exist.
UFOs were observed in the Crimea (Bear Mountain – there is some kind of base under it), on Lake Baikal and many other places. Today is determined approximately one and a half hundred UFO bases in various hard-to-reach ground places of the planet and about a hundred bases under water. This is where unidentified objects appear most often.
According to Azhazhi, the whole Universe is a single Mind (like our Internet, if you want, call it God), in which includes both humans and UFOs, and even a reasonable vacuum (theory Mathematics V. Nalimova). In this case, the UFOs we see are more likely all, only some specific programs of this Ecumenical mind. For this reason, the scientist remarks, and sent are useless us into space signals in order to search for extraterrestrial intelligence. No answer for the simple reason that, roughly speaking, one part of the Ecumenical mind is looking for another, which is completely not logical even from the point of view our primitive consciousness.
By the way, Vladimir Azhazha notes, in the lens of the Hubble telescope 26 December 1994, the abode of the Creator fell – a huge, sprawling billions of light-years a space structure resembling a city and glowing with amazing radiance. This city was recognized as a monastery. God by many scientists, including NASA experts who are here the information received is classified. But these pictures are all somebody I managed to download it from their server and distribute it on the Internet.
A photo from open sources
It is said that at that time Pope John Paul II demanded to send to him these photos of the throne of God, but did he receive them and what did he say this is unknown …