Are there aliens among us? Among people without causing suspicions of others? According to many sources, yes, and in quite a lot. And that is not big for them. problem, since some types of aliens are practically not distinguishable from people, while others simply can take on any guise. But the main thing is not even this, but what goals they pursue in relation to people? Researchers, relying heavily on investigation of cases of “abductions” of people by aliens, divided into two camps. Some believe that, despite many negative moments related to abductions, in general, the attitude towards them should to be positive is the same as the attitude of aliens towards people. For example, one of the most respected abduction researchers, Harvard professor John Mack, believed that “in the heart” abduction phenomenon – protection of life on Earth, and, moreover, not only reasonable. However, he, in particular, noted that many of abducted, who at first had a hard time psychological trauma associated with painful memories procedures done with them, etc., over time, especially after subsequent abductions, changed their minds in a positive way. They began to think differently of their place in the universe, perceiving it more multifaceted, they began to feel their personal responsibility for what is happening with our planet. At they also often had a sense of understanding with the aliens, with by which they contacted, even a kind of internal connection. it It looks, of course, interesting – provided that such feelings do not are simply the result of alien psychological suggestion with aim to facilitate their actions while working with the abducted … No matter how look, and perfect slavery is when slaves don’t even suspect that they are slaves … Nevertheless, in one of the publications John Mack wrote that survivors of abductions are changing. They grow spiritually, transform, become preoccupied with the fate of the Earth. When they have such a consciousness, they gain access to more a broad and objective understanding of reality. Photos from open sources They no longer feel like a peak mind in space, understanding the modest place we are there occupy, and also that we are associated with a variety of creatures, energies that are outside of us. Once before the abductees there is such a big picture, they understand that temporary fear and the pain they went through during the abductions comparisons with the huge rewards that will bring them a new perception of the world around them … John Mac once compared experienced by abductees with how sometimes rare animals are temporarily are immobilized so that later they can be transferred to more safe place for them. The animal does not understand that it suffers for his own good … Another similar example leads Elizabeth Slater She writes about how watched a TV show about scientists who tracked polar bear. Hiding behind a white shield, dressed in white camouflage suits to get closer unnoticed, they immobilized the bear. Scientists took blood samples from her, made various measurements, checked eyes, ears, mouth, etc. If the dipper nevertheless began to show concern, they calmed her, they said that everything would be fine … Scientists also attached to a dipper device, then to track her future moving in subsequent years and also tagged her special paint, so that it’s better to follow it from the air – nothing is for you doesn’t resemble? .. As for the other group of researchers, she believes that everything related to alien abductions, only negative in nature and serves only by ourselves aliens, but not humans. At best, aliens are just use people for their own purposes, regardless of their interests. True, some of them still believe that it is still premature evaluate the views of the “positivists” as erroneous. Quite possible, that the aliens will, in the end, really help humanity and our planet. Their participation in the affairs of people could positively affect things like eliminating disease, improving environment and ending the wars. However, such a probability, according to their opinion is extremely small. One thing is certain – most abductees say this phenomenon has had a devastating effect on their life. Many of them have all kinds of psychological disorders, scars, abrasions and physiological problems, especially gynecological or urological in nature. Many live in constant fear that this could happen again. them, and they feel guilty because they cannot protect against like their children … Quite a few researchers consider it is possible that military and “bad” psychologists use “inspired realities “, allegedly showing the alien abduction, to hide your own actions. But probably the opposite happens too – when aliens use inspired false memories to impersonate the earthly military. There are even reports of individual abductees who saw how before their eyes people in earthly military uniforms suddenly turned into “ordinary” aliens … now imagine what political and social the explosion would trigger a public notice that not only there is intelligent life on other worlds, but other intelligent beings are also present around and among us, and that human the story is actually very different from what us teaches official science, all kinds of religions and political “authorities” of the past and present! What can aliens have interests on earth? – Probably different – different, but many one or otherwise related to genetic manipulation, whether to create and improving “hybrids” of people and aliens, or some of them other goals, one way or another related to genetics. For example, Richard Sander (Richard Sander), suggests that the goal of many, if not all abductions, maybe genetics and archiving. Approximately 97% human DNA is considered junk DNA, but maybe not for aliens. Since this “unnecessary” DNA can contain huge amount of information, then aliens can extract and use her – there may be, for example, racial information and memory of her kind of galactic information archive, space data bank. AND it may be information that is millions of years old or even billions of years … Very widespread among “negative” researchers it is widely believed that people are nothing more than “home cattle “for aliens, in particular, reptilians. No wonder they sometimes they say to the abductees that we “belong” to them, so they have the right to do with us whatever they want … Reptilians allegedly in literally eat humans, and this seems to have many examples. As for the notorious “gray” aliens, performing all the “rough” work related to kidnapping for reptilians, then they also supposedly need human blood – it turns out that in this case they are real space bugs … We are part of their business. Our hands eyes, reproductive organs, blood – in a word, all of our biochemistry. For them, we are like intelligent livestock – healthy, even in something interesting and commercially important. Us, with our psychology the crown of creation, it’s hard to even imagine that on the cosmic scale values, we can be just someone else’s food. Yet we have some kind of mind, some kind of civilization … Just imagine if it would suddenly turn out that the same rabbits began to develop mentally and create your own civilization – build farms, roads, ride bicycles … I think in this case not only vegans would would cease to consider them as a source of meat and skins … Although, with on the other hand, rabbit meat lovers and after that, even if clandestine. Is the situation with reptilians similarly “underground” with respect to the “galactic public opinion “? .. Alien intentions depend on them ultimate goals. And there can be three options: – Their actions work for the benefit of themselves and earthlings. – Their actions are only on the benefit of the aliens themselves and to the detriment of people. – Their actions are only on the good of the aliens themselves, and they just don’t pay attention to what consequences for humanity they can lead. Studies published by the International Research Society aliens “(ICAR), confirm that” superspace ” civilization consisting of amphibians of reptile hybrids, as well as their cybernetic clones – “gray”, as of May 2009 Already abducted about 1 billion people, or a significant part of all the population of our planet. As they say, you want – believe it, you want it – no … One of the critical questions is why are aliens showing such great secrecy? Some researchers believe that the answer to this question can be found in motives and the purposes of their “program of breeding new species.” In their opinion, the most secret is an effective way to protect the fetus the very fact of pregnancy among abducted women who involuntarily participate in this business. This is the main reason for the whole secrecy associated with both the very fact of the existence of aliens next to us, and everything related to the “abductions”, and not prevention of possible “shock” when society learns about existing contact with them … Do people need to be wary of actions aliens, especially in the case of the “negative option”? -Undoubtedly. At the same time, it’s obvious enough that humanity coexists with different types of aliens from the very beginning, rather all owed to him by his appearance and development. therefore it’s hard to say how our civilization would progress, if there wasn’t this constant contact. Faster, better? Or vice versa? Whatever variant of the relationship between aliens and people didn’t have a place, positive or negative, but rather everything, something mixed – at least, according to our concepts, – there are many cases where, for example, many discoveries, inventions in history were associated with “clues” from the outside, rather all from the same aliens. I’m not talking about the history of religions … It is enough to recall the same table of chemical elements seen D. Mendeleev in a dream is already finished – and this is only one of similar examples … Even in his early article “Contact paradox, “I suggested the possibility of another universal law – the law of conservation of information. I.e, information cannot arise from nothing, or an abyss without a trace … Things like the same table of chemical elements do not may simply arise immediately in finished form, even if a scientist and worked on this issue. Significantly more like this a clue embedded in his subconscious … On the other hand, if remember the whole history of mankind, how many people were killed and crippled by countless wars, religious persecutions and common crimes? If you think about it, it turns out that, in first of all, we must fear ourselves … Aliens already a very long time ago on Earth, most likely, they were here before the appearance of modern humanity. No wonder the question of one of the witnesses, how long have they arrived on Earth, one of the aliens replied – not arrived, we were always here … Or in 1988 to one witness in Argentina, aliens allegedly reported that they flew to their “mother Earth “… So it doesn’t even matter if the aliens flew to our the planet back in time immemorial, or even some of them come from from here. Or are they here from other spatial dimensions, “frequencies”, etc. In any case, they are clearly here among us, and to be more precise, it’s not they, but we live among them …
DNA Time Life Reptiloids