UFOs and aliens do not exist however about the reality of extraterrestrial Visitors are increasingly reported by highly informed and respected people. It’s hard not to believe the former Secretary of Defense of Canada or the famous astronaut who conquered the moon. Aliens still exist ?! When old age comes, people stop fear death, career decline, and punishment relying on disclosure of state secrets. It is in old age many officials, scientists, astronauts and witnesses to any hidden from the public significant events begin to talk about facts about which have been silent for decades. Photos from open sources In 2005, with a very curious 82-year-old Paul Helier, former Minister of Defense of Canada from 1963 to 1967. It happened at a symposium organized by the University of Toronto by three non-governmental organizations. Speaking from the rostrum and addressing to the symposium participants, Hellier informed them that “UFOs are just as as real as planes flying over your heads … but the secrecy surrounding all things around what happened in Roswell, was incomparable with anything, so the vast majority American officials and politicians never had a clue about what is happening. “It is worth noting that Hellier wrote the book” Light in end of the tunnel: a person’s survival plan, which continued the theme UFO. From this book, as well as other public speeches by Paul Helier became aware of some other curious facts. For example, a former minister claims that contact with aliens long established, in his opinion, the first contacts with aliens started shortly after the UFO crash in 1947, in Roswell, state New Mexico.
Photo from open sources Hellier says he knows about 4 alien races actively visiting the Earth … Among them are so called the Nordic Nords (tall blondes) and the well-known “gray” (big-headed bald dwarfs with huge black eyes). how Helier believes aliens have long been handed over to the US government extraterrestrial technologists, the former minister demands to make them public. is he says: “I would like to know, like many people on our planet, how alien technology can stop oil consumption and so way to save us all. “Hellier hints at the source of pure energy that would allow people to solve all problems with energy without burning oil, coal and without the use of nuclear power plants. According to Helleira, behind hiding the truth about UFOs and contacts with aliens stands “shadow government”, which is beneficial to keep humanity on “oil needle” and use extraterrestrial technology in their interests. Not only that, Helier stated that “the armed forces The United States is preparing weapons that could be used against Extraterrestrial Civilizations, and the US can drag us into intergalactic war without our knowledge. “It’s hard for them not to believe the revelations of an official of such a high rank have become great a gift for ufologists, because there are still many more skeptics who consider UFOs to be fakes not very healthy mentally people. It is worth noting that Heller was not the first to disclose UFO secrets. For example, in 1998, retired Colonel Philip Corso, who led the military under President Eisenhower technical intelligence department, wrote the book “The day after Roswell “, in which he wrote about his participation in the inspection crashed flying saucer and the study of UFO debris in the 1960s. He reported that the corpses of aliens fell into the hands of the military, Corso I personally saw one of them. According to his description, the alien was growth from a 10-year-old child, had a hairless bulbous head, almond-shaped eye sockets, tiny nose and four-fingered hands. Retired Colonel also spoke about the use of those who fell into the hands of extraterrestrial military technology.
Photo from open sources Having reached a respectable age (77 years), former astronaut Edgar also spoke a lot about UFOs and aliens Mitchell, who visited the Moon in 1971. In an interview with British radio Apollo 14 crew member said: “I was lucky touch the fact that our planet has been visited and that UFOs are reality. Last 60 years or so all our governments carefully concealed it, but gradually the information leaked out, and some of us were fortunate enough to learn a little about it. I talked with representatives of the military and intellectual circles, who know that under the surface of mass knowledge lies the answer: yes, aliens visited us. “Concerning the appearance of aliens and their technical superiority, the astronaut added: “They really very similar to how they are portrayed in the movies. Short, thin, with big eyes and heads. Technologically, they are much more developed than we are. If they wanted, they would have us a long time destroyed. “Of course, NASA has disowned this statement. Mitchell, the agency supposedly knows nothing about the aliens, nor about UFO. However, there was information that NASA almost regularly obscure the UFO in images obtained from other planets. Concealment UFO information continues, but despite this, more and more facts about aliens are made public.