Astronaut Gordon Cooper on cover-up policy UFO phenomenon

Astronaut Gordon Cooper on the policy of hiding the UFO phenomenonA photo from open sources

American astronaut Gordon Cooper is one of the pioneers space exploration and the US national hero taking advantage deepest respect. And perhaps that’s why the statement, what he did about personal eye contact with UFOs plunged many into shock. Moreover, G. Cooper not only made a sensational confession about the reality of the UFO phenomenon, but openly blamed the American press government in a long-standing “policy of lies and silence,” in deliberate concealment from the public of a multitude of facts concerning UFO phenomenon. According to the astronaut, all these facts should become in the public domain and not belong to a narrow circle of favorites persons: “The world has the right to know the truth. People have earned the right to know the truth. This would help them understand first of all in themselves. ” It is known that in the early 1950s, Cooper with his partner pursued on a fighter in the sky over Germany “strange light drives. “He also repeatedly saw in the sky above the US military base strange objects “waltzing in the sky.” Here is how he described them: “I distinctly remember how THEY soared in the air, looking like brilliant light birds shimmering in the sun with their perfect constructed “bodies”. How graceful they were! Often these strange “things” multiplied directly not in the eyes. From one drive dozens of small ones scattered like dust. At first sight their movements seemed chaotic, but, having looked closely, it was possible to assume that they had a certain flight plan. None of us, pilots, could not catch up with these “birds.” Their speed was unattainable for our “miserable” cars. And we can say, we have never fulfilled order of the authorities, returning with nothing to the base. For all of us, base workers, periodically arranged brainwashing. Clear made it clear: any mention outside the department about this threatened merciless punishment for both us and our family members. ” According to the astronaut, governments of all countries are involved in a conspiracy silence regarding the presence of aliens on our planet. On the official level any information about this is ridiculed and discredited because governments fear mass panic and psychosis among the population: “… I often wonder what the goal is the US government’s denial policy. Started this is in the middle of World War II when a special organization to investigate the “UFO phenomenon”. Simultaneously the “science of deception” arose, the purpose of which is conscientious persuasive coverage of leaked media rebuttals, often based on plausible theories. This was done to conceal information, to eliminate reasons for the occurrence of total large-scale panic due to psychological unpreparedness of people. It was absolutely clear that the fact of the existence of a perfect higher civilization could unbalance people’s minds, destabilize an orderly move life on the planet. Mass psychosis could begin. “Also Cooper claims that there is some secret agreement between government and elected artists, in charge which includes “softening the minds” of people and gradually introducing them into the consciousness of the idea that we are not alone in the universe. Many science fiction films about aliens materials provided by the government. All this is very similar to what people are gradually preparing for open contact with representatives of other civilizations. But will they be told the truth that aliens have been present on planet Earth for decades or a production show will be played, the script of which Is the first contact with the CC only in our future?

USA birds

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