Astronomer spotted mysterious triangular in the sky UFO

The astronomer spotted the mysterious triangular UFO in the skyPhoto from open sources

Amateur astronomer from the Australian city of Melbourne on managed to capture the southeast of the continent in the dark sky unidentified flying object of a triangular shape.

According to an enthusiast, a leading host on a famous video hosting “YouTube” dedicated UFO channel, he has to use fifty-millimeter magnifying lens and night Visions for shooting the sky in the dark. Presented below The video was made on Friday, November 13th.

At first, infrared observation only shows starry sky, but then a mysterious triangular appears below formation similar to a spaceship from some science fiction movie. Unidentified flying object has very large sizes, from which we can conclude that it arose relatively close to the operator.

Australian ufologist notes that recording is accelerated – in fact UFO case was in the sky for several minutes, after which without a trace dissolved in air. Astronomer claims to be engaged such observations for almost two decades, and before he had never did not have to deal with something like that. “Perhaps this is the most exciting and important of all my discoveries, “writes excited his find Melbourne.

According to the anonymous owner of UFO Lou’s Channel, whose name, apparently, is Lou, he is an entire conscious life dedicated to the study of unidentified flying objects, space anomalies and representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. For twenty years the Australian managed to see such work over a hundred flying saucers and capture fourteen of them in photographs and videos. The last of these discoveries is the researcher, as mentioned above, considers its most significant and significant for ufological science achievement.

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