Astronomers – US Congress: “Sure almost 100 percent that aliens exist! “

Scientists engaged in the search for extraterrestrial civilizations asked money, which promised to find brothers in mind in the next 20 years.

House of Representatives of the US Congress on Science, Space and Technology (House Science and Technology Committee) recently listened to Dan Wetthimer and Seth Shostak (Seth Shostack) – Heads of the SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute) searching for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations. They assured congressmen that that aliens are simply obliged to exist.

Indeed, according to the latest scientific data, only our galaxy – Milky Way – totals trillions of planets. Three times more than stars. And billions of them have all the necessary elements for the origin and maintenance of life. Including reasonable. Find her – a matter of time and reasonable funding from the American government.

Scientists assured that they are ready to launch several new projects, in which the most powerful telescopes and systems will be involved data processing. The search for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations will go through billions of channels. Radio astronomers are already combing thousands of star systems, as before, and millions. Among them are those which discovered terrestrial planets. Thus, Vetheimer and Shostak explained why so far nothing has been caught. Because the technique was not perfect enough, and research is not so deep.

When asked whether representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations visited us in past – maybe millions of years ago, scientists, having fumbled, answered in the negative. Like, there is no convincing evidence of such contacts. And now aliens do not visit our planet. how speakers say governments could hardly hide it from the public.

Seth Shostak promised to find brothers in his mind in the next 20 years. It is possible that he boasted a little to the congressmen. FROM his colleagues were more modest. At NASA’s Innovation Symposium Advanced Technology (2014 NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) symposium), which took place in February at Stanford University (Stanford University), he assured that he would find a reasonable life on other planets in 24 years.

Seth Shostak looks promising. Photo: SETIPhoto from open sources

Seth Shostak looks promising. Photo: SETI


They blink – we peep

As part of one – a very original project – astronomers will look for signals that aliens exchange with each other. For example, laser pulses.

The fruitful debut idea here is this: extraterrestrial civilization reaches a sufficiently high level of development and begins colonize neighboring planets. At least people – in the current plans – adhere to just such a strategy: they are going settle on Mars, create a habitable base on the moon, maybe on Europe where the icy ocean is discovered.

Expeditions or colonies will have to make contact, share information. These “programs” are going to intercept Earth astronomers in those moments when planets with bases will be on the same line with the Earth and the mother planet. Astronomers believe that the brothers in reason will transmit with laser pulses. And to notice them is quite real.



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