Australian alien footprint

A photo from open sources

In the mythology of every nation there are stories of “gods who descended from heaven. “Australian Bushmen also have such. Unlike others their stories least resemble a fairy tale. Myths telling the truth Scientists no longer consider myths, legends, traditions as fantasies and the game of imagination of ancient people. In each the plot contains a grain of fact, a historical event. Unfortunately for millennia of retelling the original story so it is distorted that scientists are struggling to separate grain from spit and understand what our distant wanted to tell the audience ancestor. Australian myths don’t need any mental stresses. Duplicate words and phrases they describe how, even at the dawn of time, Aboriginal lands fell crashed spaceship. The legend of the egg that fell from the sky Even during the Great Dream, a great flight flew from the sky red egg. White-skinned heroes flying in it wanted smoothly to fall to the ground, but evil spirits prevented, the egg fell and split up. Heroes came out of the egg and stayed among the natives. They endowed Australians with knowledge and culture, taught to mine fire and hunt, use a dart thrower and a boomerang. Heroes soon died. They could not breathe the local air quickly weakened and aged. But their children, who flew with them in an egg, were able to adapt and survived. Seeking to preserve the memory of her parents, they carved and painted their images on the rocks. A cracked red egg turned into dust over time, the wind scattered it all over the continent. That is why land in Australia Red. The descendants of the heroes multiplied, but their skin was no longer white – under the hot sun it turned black and only drawings on the walls The caves remind you of what the first heroes looked like flew from heaven. Now let’s talk about the drawings of an ancient man, although he possessed fantasy, yet in cave painting sought to achieve maximum realism. The basic principle of an ancient artist was “what I see, then I draw.” That’s why scientists always consider drawings of an ancient person as a real reflection the world around him. What did the indigenous people of Western Australia draw? Photos from open sources

Firstly, they painted all the pieces in white. Apparently, so they They wanted to emphasize the unusual color of the heavenly heroes. Next on what is worth paying attention to is clothing. This is how it is perceived strange coloring of drawn figures. Australian Bushmen in basically do not have clothes – in the hot equatorial, tropical and The subtropical climate of the southern continent is simply not needed. Strange “skin” of heroes, different on different parts of the body and in color and “invoice”, undoubtedly impressed the Australians that they and reflected in their drawings. And of course, one cannot ignore strange spheres inside which the heads of heavenly heroes are placed. Himself it suggests itself that the artist was trying to portray wearing a face mask.

A photo open source story with a sad ending In general, Western Australia Aboriginal rock paintings are not just not contrary to ancient myths, but are their natural complement and together they tell us the real story of visiting Earth aliens. What ended the visit of astronauts to earth Australian aborigines? Unlike the legends of other nations, in Australian heroes arrived did not create a high culture, not built a great state and did not establish a reigning dynasty. The surviving technique gradually failed, unique, but completely useless knowledge was lost. And the astronauts themselves time dissolved in the local population, leaving behind only traditions and drawings. And it’s easier to believe in such a tragic ending Total.

Australia Time Artists

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