A photo from open sources
One of the Australian ufologists reports that with good equipment can be captured at least nightly in the dark sky many unidentified flying objects, the number of which capable of numbering in dozens.
As evidence, an experienced researcher shared with users of the World Wide Web the video below, which is a compilation of the best frames he received. Many of us, after reading this video, they’ll probably understand one simple truth: the incomprehensible length of us constantly boils over our heads life, and there can be no rational scientific explanation, denying aliens and their unthinkable to our understanding aircraft.
The author of the amazing material admits that some of these objects can be artificial satellites, comets and by air, but not all. Many UFOs described abruptly change in flight the trajectory and speed, light up in the sky with incredible brightness, move in groups, and also appear from nowhere and disappear without a trace. Someone will even say that Mysterious UFOs behave just like living things.
By the way, ufologists have repeatedly suggested that unidentified flying objects may actually not be metal devices, but quite living and intelligent creatures, finally, biorobots and generally anything. That is ours the idea of the world around us is too primitive to understand all this …