A photo from open sources
On August 7, scientist Boyd Bushman, who is many years old, died served as senior fellow at Lockheed Martin. Before his death, he recorded a video in which he spoke about work in “Zone 51”, as well as aliens and UFOs.
Moreover, Boyd showed pictures of aliens, which, in his were made by a disposable camera at a military base in Nevada, according to METRO.
A photo from open sources
According to Bushman, the US military has more than just bodies aliens, but also the aircraft on which they arrived here. In addition, a group of specialists is engaged 24 hours a day. the study of alien technology.
Boyd Bushman says aliens have long fingers, webbed feet and they live on the planet Quintumnia. He also noted that there are two groups of aliens.
By the way, Lockheed Martin employee Ben Rich, led by which was developed the world’s first small aircraft radar signature (Stealth), also talked about the fact that they have technologies that make interstellar travels can become a reality today, while they are still hide from the public.
“We already have funds for interstellar travel, but these technologies cannot be used in mass projects … Everything you can you imagine, we can create, “Ben said Rich
The statement made by Boyd on his deathbed certainly sounds convincingly, but to skeptics, anyway, this will be not enough, so the whole controversy around the UFO will be for a long time continue, the newspaper writes.