Belt of the Virgin is guilty of a surge birth rate?

Is this really a miracle or just a coincidence? After 10 months after the Belt of the Most Holy was transported through the cities of Russia Virgin Mary (according to legend, he heals from infertility and gives health), in many regions where it was exhibited, there is a real baby boom: maternity hospitals are crowded, and in the corridors of antenatal clinics unusually many expectant mothers.

A photo from open sources

The regional press simultaneously issues happy and similar stories – seemingly doomed to childless couple after applying to the Belt acquired long-awaited children. Is it really a miracle or just coincidence?


Statistics came as a surprise to doctors

“In our city since the end of August, a noticeable increase in the birth rate, – wrote in his LiveJournal the head doctor of the city hospital No. 3 of Yekaterinburg Alexander Halperin, which, however, connects this growth with protracted New Year holidays (but in this case the children would have to be 8 month old). – There now, 30 babies are born day! You need to see how the extract goes. It all reminds goods in stock: a string of machines

, a lot of people with flower balls. He went in, went out with mom and child, and so on at short intervals … ”

Statistics figures confirm the surprise of the head physician: especially many kids in the Urals were born this summer. Every week in Yekaterinburg, 400 new residents were added. And the peak itself baby boomers fell on the last week of summer. From August 27 to 2 September 450 450 babies were born. This is an absolute record for the last 15 years! Before that, in the summer months there were no more than 350 – 370 newborns.

– In fact, the birth rate in the region has been increasing since 2003 years, but insignificantly, – says the chief pediatrician of Sverdlovsk area Lyubov Malyamova. – We already thought that the situation stabilized. But the joyful statistics of this year has become for us a surprise!


Pure demography?

Petersburg became the first city to which the Belt was brought. therefore the first children conceived with the help of the shrine could theoretically appear in late July. And lo and behold! In July of this summer in the north 5568 children were born in the capital, 412 more children than a year ago in the same month. Although before that, in 2000 – 2011, it was observed sustained stagnation at five thousand. And in August, miracles continued. 5855 instead of last year’s 5260. Really Belt Virgin helped? However, an abnormal increase in the birth rate can be traced. and in June, and in May, and in April of this year … It is unlikely that a miracle happened before they touched him. This is pure demography, assure the doctors.

– First you need to find out which generation has now entered childbearing age, says the president of the Russian Association human reproductions Vladislav Korsak. – If it’s the end eighties, we will soon face a sharp decline in fertility. I remember that then, in one of the perestroika years, Leningrad was born children are half as many as usual.

“Could this be a consequence of the lines to the Belt?”

– Not. I remember a more productive line in the history of St. Petersburg. In 2007, when the city’s treatment program was launched infertility. She was made free. While standing in line six people became pregnant. Although they stood in it barren …


Every third patient walks with a belt

Do you want to – believe it or not – but in Krasnoyarsk maternity hospitals confirm: recently the number of births has increased. IN consultation and diagnostic department of the city hospital No. 4, dealing with infertility problems reported a surge pregnancies among their patients – women who are 1.5 years old and could no longer conceive. The increase began in the second or third quarters of this year. Here doctors, however, also refuse associate an amazing phenomenon with the touch of patients to the Belt Virgin Mary.

“Maybe we just started working better?” – declare in branch. – After all, we are just doing what we help women solve the problem of infertility. Can’t tie it to the Belt Virgin Mary, although … approximately every third patient we go with tied at the waist with a belt that she received in the church after touching the shrine …


683 more children

There is also a surge in the capital. According to Moscow City Health, in August 11 921 babies appeared in maternity hospitals, which is 683 more children than in last August! Plus 6%. However, how much the Belt of the Virgin helped, hard to say: no one conducted such surveys among those who gave birth, but it is known that about 30% of newborns are children of foreigners and citizens another, non-Moscow Russia.

… Growth was noted in almost all the cities visited the shrine. And almost everywhere, doctors, like professional skeptics, although they are surprised by the results, calling them unexpected, they explain it is an improvement in the life of the population as a whole. Although the latter can be to argue – the economic performance of several regions over the past 10 months have not changed much. And increasingly, doctors are frankly shrug, facing another patient, which, according to their earlier definitions, could not start children, but after worship the shrine became pregnant. “Miracle? Perhaps … “- they surrender, while stipulating that modern medicine does not know such a term. Or maybe they’re just afraid to admit that they once made the wrong diagnosis? ..


“With your diagnosis, this is unrealistic …”

Residents of Mordovia continue to actively discuss the history of the 25-year-old resident of Kovylkin, Maria Letsyuk, whom in 2009 doctors handed down a final verdict: she can become a mother only with assisted in vitro fertilization. “If it doesn’t help, adopt baby, “supported her husband. He also asked her to go and pray in the Saransk temple of Feodor Ushakov when they brought there Belt … A month later, Maria, feeling unwell and quick fatigue, came to the antenatal clinic. “With your diagnosis, this unrealistic, “the doctor could only say, looking at the results Analysis: Maria was pregnant. Then there was an ultrasound, from which doctors altogether speechless: triple!

However, soon the couple faced a new problem – the apartment in which they live is very cramped. But this is another history…


Petr BOYEV, priest, chairman of the Diocesan Department on the relationship of the church and society, Krasnoyarsk:

“Heals another …”

– The belt is an occasion and a reminder of the Virgin. When to man remind of something, they say, many rethink the situation. After all infertility is often associated with some flaws, misconduct in life, often with abortions. Maybe after that they change something in their life, they repent and turn to the Virgin to help her, addressed with her prayers and additionally interceded about these people. And we believers, of course, believe in it and know that it really a reality when a person already does not believe in miracles and The Lord helps. But the Belt itself does not heal. The belt is what us connects with the shrine, and coming to it is an expression of reverence for Virgin Mary and appeal to prayer.

Olga KUDINOVA, doctor of the highest qualification category, Gynecologist-endocrinologist, Moscow:

“A belt can be seen as an aid …”

“It doesn’t make sense.” Very often a woman when she stops to think that she is barren, really gets long-awaited pregnancy. The belt in this case may regarded as immediate assistance. Help of a certain higher the power that helped women clear their minds and get pregnancy. Although now the New Year factor is very strong ….


1,077,000 children were born in Russia over the 7 months of 2012. It’s on 80 thousand more than the same period last year.

Time Life Moscow Russia

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