A photo from open sources
Two centuries ago, a Mongolian monk sat in a lotus position and remained in this state until now, turning for all this dry mummy time. You might think that a Buddhist died, however it turned out that this is not entirely true.
One of the most professional and respected physicians on the planet examined the alleged remains and unexpectedly reported that the monk still alive, though his mind left the body, leaving for other worlds.
Barry Kerzin, who is not only a personal doctor, but also a good friend of the leader of all the Buddhists of the planet Dalai Lama, said that dry body discovered in Mongolian province of Songinhoirhan can not be considered a corpse. According to a specialist in medicine, the monk is in a deep meditative state called tukdam, and since his consciousness is alive, then he is alive, it turns out, and she herself personality.
As a result of such a long meditation, Buddhists try to achieve the highest spiritual state, bringing them closer to Buddha himself. And the longer a person meditates like this, the closer he is to to his spiritual teacher and the legendary founder of Buddhism. Kerzina is convinced that the mummy can sit as many hundreds more years, while the Buddhist consciousness will be constantly improved and comprehend the new secrets of the universe, until the monk finally can compare with Buddha in terms of spiritual experience.
A photo from open sources
The mummy was also examined by ordinary doctors, far from religion. After a series of examinations and analyzes, the affected Doctors admitted that the protein structure of the body definitely has intravital state. Thus, for many medical The performance of the monk is really alive. However, the body has low temperature, and his cardiac activity is absent.
Russia has its own “living” mummy of a Buddhist
Over the past fifty years in Asian countries have been found more than a hundred similar mummies sitting in lotus position. Like the above monk, they are in a state between life and death, which official medicine cannot explain. Some monks are imprisoned into metal statues, apparently serving to protect them. Buddhists report that from this state people no longer return into their dried bodies, however, they cannot be brought to the earth, since it is by no means dead.
A photo from open sources
Recall that in Russia there is also such a person. IN Between 1911 and 1917, Dashi-Dorjo Itigelov was a Buddhist leader. Eastern Siberia. In June 1927, he stopped serving visible signs of life and was placed in the sarcophagus. After that coffin repeatedly opened, however, the body after all years remained untouched. It does not rot, does not decompose, and seems to doesn’t even dry out. The last time the “remains” of Dasha-Dorjo checked in October 2002, when the sarcophagus was solemnly transferred to Ivolginsky datsan. Russian scientists then took tissue samples Buddhist and were forced to admit that they correspond to the tissues living person.
It is noteworthy that orthodox scholars are not able to explain similar phenomena, in such cases they prefer not only keep silent, and in every possible way “crush” the matter, refusing contribute to the sensation.
Life Mummies Russia Sarcophagi