Birds made a nest on the balcony – the meaning of signs

The townspeople know the omen: if birds built a nest on the balcony, this is a 'compliment' to the residents and a harbinger of joyful events. But is this always the case? How does the meaning of a nest on a building depend on the breed of bird that built it? This is worth understanding.

Birds made a nest on the balcony

A place

If a bird has built a nest on your property, this is good. The sphere where the surge of luck is expected depends on the purpose of the building:

  1. Above the barn – to success in economic activities.
  2. Under the roof of the house – the building is under the protection of higher powers.
  3. On the balcony – to positive changes in life.
  4. On the window – a harbinger of a radical change of residence (moving to another city or state).
  5. In the yard – to material well-being.
  6. Under the roof of a cellar or barn – to a rich harvest and full bins in the coming year.
  7. Nest in the house – the tenants will be accompanied by good luck in love and deeds, in any endeavors.
  8. Travel, creativity will also be crowned with success.
  9. The bird house on the grave is also a positive sign, which means the peace of the soul of the deceased.

Bird breed

The reason why birds begin to build nests close to human habitation, folk signs explain differently depending on the breed of birds. Moreover, the interpretation of the bird house can be both good and bad.


These birds are a symbol of wealth. They set up their place next to people who are about to get rich.


According to superstitions, a twisted nest of restless birdies under the roof of a house or on a balcony predicts an imminent wedding. Moreover, the owner of the apartment will be the main character of the celebration or a guest, a witness at the wedding of friends or relatives.


The settlement of these birds nearby promises a fire for the house. But the signs warn: fire is a symbol of purification, so it is not at all necessary that the building burns down. Perhaps the tenants will face dramatic changes in their lives that will help them rise.


If your balcony is chosen by the 'symbol of peace' – this is the true 'praise of heaven'. The dove's nest prophesies a life of love and harmony for the family. Only noble honest people are awarded such a sign of fate. The presence of pigeons next to the windows predicts a lonely soul mate, a married couple – the birth of a child.


The Russian people have always loved swallows, considering these feathered messengers of light forces. A swallow's nest under the eaves of a balcony or window is considered both a powerful talisman against troubles and a talisman of good luck. Such a dwelling is not threatened by fires and other misfortunes. Thieves do not look in there either. If a dashing person approaches an object 'taken under protection' by white-breasted birds, the brave birdies will raise such a cry that the villain will have a headache and will not go unnoticed.

Birds made a nest omens

The house in which the swallows build their nests is considered fertile (decent, neat people live in it). The swallow's nest on the balcony predicts:

  • Wedding (if an unmarried girl lives in the apartment).
  • Replenishment of the family (if the bird decided to wind next to the house of a married couple).
  • Business success (if the bird settled next to business people).
  • Quiet old age (if the swallow for the settlement chose the house of an elderly couple).
  • Fulfillment of desires.

If the swallows suddenly left the nest, this means that the house is under threat of destruction from natural disasters.

Why a crow and a magpie nest on the balcony

Ravens and jackdaws are unwanted neighbors. Not only are these birds noisy, arrogant, sloppy. So, their presence also promises countless small, but unpleasant problems.

According to the signs, crows nest only in places with negative energy, and a crow's nest promises trouble for the residents of the apartment, next to which the croaking creatures have settled down.

Fortunately, the housing of these birds is very large, so they are extremely rare on balconies and windows. If you are unlucky and an unpleasant bird's house has appeared nearby, in no case should you break it. Otherwise, the situation can be aggravated, the scale of problems will increase. Better to try to make friends with gloomy neighbors, feed them, wait until they raise their chicks and move on their own.

But not all peoples have a crow's nest – a bad omen. It is believed that these birds, on the contrary, purify the energy, do not carry any evil. They collect all the negative and then leave it somewhere in the field.

And by the location of the nest, magpies predict the weather: if they built a dwelling on the top of a tree, drought is expected.

bird at the nest

Can bird nests be touched?

Connoisseurs of folk signs say: if the feathered messengers of light forces trusted you, built a nest on your site, it is important to keep the luck that will literally fall on you. It is strongly not recommended to touch birds or their eggs. The one who destroys the bird's house, signs predict trouble, illness. Problems will take on an alarming scale if there were eggs or chicks in the destroyed one, and they suffered – this threatens the disease of the children of the destroyer.

If the chick has fallen out of the nest, you need to put the chick back in, heal it (if necessary, and you know how to do it). There is a belief that a bird does not recognize chicks that have fallen out of the nest if you take them with your bare hands, because the babies will smell like a man. But this is complete nonsense, because birds do not have a developed sense of smell.

If the bird house has fallen, this is a bad omen: you can say goodbye to luck. To return the favor of Fortune, some people try to adapt the nest back, but this is not always possible, and the birds almost never return to such a dwelling.

You can only destroy an empty nest when the feathered inhabitants flew to warm lands. But it is better not to do this either.

Bird nest weather predictions

If the birds have built a house on the south side of the building, the summer will be cool. According to the signs, nests in the northwestern sector portend hot, dry weather. Ducks have settled far from the reservoir – a rainy summer is expected.

If in bad weather the feathered builders diligently build a nest, in the near future the rain will stop and good weather will be established.

If the birds linger for a long time, the omen portends an approaching bad weather.

According to the number of eggs in the nest, a harvest forecast is made. If the bird has 'planned' an even number of chicks – a blessed year is coming, an odd one – you need to prepare for unpleasant weather surprises, crop failure.

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