Since the Victorian era, people have used flowers instead of words to express emotions. In a bouquet, everything matters: variety, quantity and size. But a special meaning is given to the shade of the buds. Flowers of unusual color excite the imagination more than traditional representatives of the flora. After vain attempts to grow roses with blue petals, florists have learned to dye flowers in the desired shade using a dye.
Amazing blue roses are obtained from white specimens by adding a special dye to the water for flowers. Moreover, you can achieve any tone: from pale blue to deep blue. These shades have different meanings. For example, a lilac undertone informs about the emergence of first love, expresses charm and admiration. Dark purple shades suit the face of red-haired beauties. Mysterious and extraordinary blue roses are given to inaccessible and mysterious personalities to emphasize their uniqueness.
According to Rudyard Kipling, the blue rose symbolized death. After all, it was impossible to give it to a living bride, since such a flower does not exist in nature.
Then unusual flowers became a sign of an unattainable ideal, which requires a lot of effort to approach.
For many peoples, these flowers are subconsciously associated with the 'blue blood' that flows in the veins of aristocrats and representatives of the royal family. Therefore, unusual flowers personify splendor, royal luxury and divinity – the qualities of people who decide the fate of entire nations and states.
Japanese experts believe that an exclusive gift is the lot of the elite, it means a person's desire to put the whole world at the feet of his beloved.
In ancient times, this flower could only be seen in a dream. This is what this dream meant:
- Cutting a flower is a harbinger of sadness.
- To see a blue rose among the bushes with red buds is suffering from unrequited love.
- Broken or withered – a bad ending to the novel.
- To receive blue roses as a gift from a gentleman is a waking prediction of incomparable happiness from the love of a person who gave a bouquet in a dream.
Why do they give blue roses
To present a bouquet of extraordinary flowers or one blue rose as a gift to a girl, you do not need to wait for a special occasion. You can single out your beloved among the mass of other people on any day.
They are given:
- Beloved as a sign of admiration, recognition of her originality and elegance, to express the desire to slightly open the mysterious veil of the chosen one.
- Important persons as a sign of respect.
- To close people, to emphasize their importance in the life of the donor.
- To the bride, if the wedding is stylized in blue and blue. They are perfect for a blue-eyed bride.
Blue roses are essential for improving relationships. Such an exciting bouquet can make amends after a quarrel, it will make a woman look at the 'offender' with different eyes.
What bouquets can be made from blue roses
Of course, it is not the shape of the flower arrangement that is decisive at the time of presentation. It is much more important to express the sincere emotions that the giver experiences. But to enhance the symbolism of the bouquet, you can 'play' with the number of buds:
- Present 9 blue roses – this number will enhance the emotion of admiration, which is so characteristic of blue.
- The composition of two unopened buds and one blossoming rose will enhance the mystery component of the flower of unusual color. Moreover, you can add cream or white buds to a blue rose.
They have another wonderful property – they provide their owner with the opportunity to fulfill his innermost desire.