Aichrizon or 'tree of love' is a small, up to 30–40 cm high, plant with a tree-like stem and fleshy leaves that look like a symbolic heart. Since it is the closest relative of the 'money tree' (fat woman), various properties of a mystical nature are attributed to it.
This article will tell you about all the signs and superstitions about aichrizone, magical abilities and conditions that must be observed to preserve or strengthen them.
The mystical properties of aichrizon
Esotericists and superstitious amateur flower growers believe that Aichrizon has the following abilities:
- affects lovers or spouses, helping them to eliminate misunderstandings;
- increases the attraction of people to each other;
- strengthens marriage;
- eliminates negative energy;
- protects the house and its inhabitants from failures and health problems;
- creates an atmosphere of peace, romance, happiness and comfort in the home;
- restoration of the owner's mental strength;
- attracts luck and wealth in the form of prizes, valuable finds or gifts.
All the positive qualities of aichrizone are manifested only in 1 case – they are monitored and carefully looked after. This applies to and accepts.
Signs and superstitions
In addition to passive influence on a person's life, aichrizon can signal the current state of personal life. For this, different signs are used based on the state of the plant:
- Blooming means a good relationship with a loved one or family members. If the owner of a flowering tree is a lonely girl or guy, then this event foreshadows the appearance of the second half.
- Lush bloom is a harbinger of a wedding.
- The sudden appearance of flowers – the disappearance of problems in relationships or receiving a monetary gift in the near future.
- Withering is tension or misunderstanding between spouses. If this happened suddenly, then the signs signal the incompatibility of partners.
- The stunted appearance of the plant indicates the need to break off relations with a person.
- Falling leaves – a couple is waiting for a decrease in the manifestations of feelings.
- Keeping fallen leaves – signs explain this as attracting poverty, problems with money or other values.
In order for aichrizona to show magical properties, it is better to purchase it at a flower shop. If this is a gift, then you should pay for it in small coin.
Under what conditions do omens and superstitions work?
In order for the magical properties, superstitions and omens associated with aichrizon to fully manifest themselves, several simple conditions must be met:
- The flower pot should be on the windowsill of a window facing west or east. The fact is that in these parts of the house or apartment the positive energy of happiness, love and prosperity is concentrated.
- The ambient air temperature should not exceed 25 and 10 ° С in summer and winter, respectively. Otherwise, the cessation of flowering can be mistaken for a bad sign.
- Do not water too often. This leads to rotting of the roots, and therefore to a deterioration in the condition of the plant and its love properties. To check the need for water, you need to lightly press on the crown. If it is springy, then watering is not needed.
- The pot should be chosen shallow, and at its bottom there should be drainage material: expanded clay, charcoal or fine gravel. This measure will prevent root rot and enhance the ability of aichrizon to absorb negative energy.
Compliance with these measures will save the owner of the aichrizon from mistaken interpretations and superstitions, will help preserve the magical properties of the plant and its pleasant appearance.
Aichrizon is a small plant that, with proper care, helps the owner navigate in relationships with loved ones and loved ones.