Home fern: what the signs tell about its useful and harmful properties

If you keep a fern in your house, signs interpret this from different angles. According to some superstitions, this plant is considered a protector and is able to protect the house from trouble, while others argue that it only attracts negativity.

fern home

Happy omens

For those who do not believe in omens, the benefits and harms of the home fern do not really matter. At the same time, popular beliefs are still advised to pay attention to them. Let's start with superstitions that have a positive interpretation.

  1. This plant brings harmony to the relationships of households. It charges all family members with positive energy, thanks to which quarrels, scandals go away, and negativity subsides. A relationship of trust is established between parents and children. In general, the family becomes more friendly and united.
  2. Home fern can improve relationships between spouses. It will be especially useful in situations where the husband and wife are endowed with different temperaments. Signs promise that it will be much easier to find compromise solutions with this plant.
  3. This plant will become an indispensable tool for people who have their own business. With it, your investments will be successful, which will bring a stable income.
  4. Thanks to this plant, you will be lucky. And if you want to win the lottery or are going to the casino – you just need a fern. However, do not expect constant help from him, since this plant will not allow rash spending!
  5. If you decide to transplant a fern from a flowerpot into open ground, for example, by placing a bush in your summer cottage, then signs and superstitions claim that it will immediately become your reliable amulet. He will protect your home from the influence of evil spirits, taking the negative on himself.
  6. If you notice how the fern suddenly began to fade, then this means that it has absorbed negative energy that was directed against you.
  7. In addition, garden fern has a beneficial effect on crops that are planted nearby. You can often see them start to grow much better and bring in an excellent harvest.
  8. According to signs, the fern that you brought to your house on the night of Ivan Kupala has a special power. This plant will protect you and your home throughout the next year, attracting good luck, love and prosperity.
  9. People also say that a fern found on the Kupala night helps to find treasure. But you only need to pay attention to a flowering plant.
  10. If a home fern is blooming, then this is the best time to make a wish. Tell the green pet about your dream and he will definitely do everything to make it come true.
  11. Indoor fern clears thoughts and helps to find a solution in any difficult situation.
  12. A sign that came to us from England advises men to have a fern in their home. The plant will help to win the love of the chosen one, even if she has not yet shown interest.
  13. Home fern is able to balance the wants and needs of a person. With it, you will learn to ignore the minor things and distinguish them from what is really valuable.
  14. Many people place a flowerpot with a fern not in the house, but at their workplace. Folk omens in this situation say that the plant will absorb the negative energy that various electrical appliances exude and will work as an air purifier. As a result, a person's performance will increase, and his thoughts will be clear, which will contribute to the birth of successful ideas.

house fern

Negative omens

There are signs that regard the indoor fern in the house as a symbol with negative energy.

  • It is said that his presence can provoke a headache. In some situations, it becomes the cause of the development of an allergic reaction.
  • There is a sign according to which a plant has the ability to deprive a person of energy. And if after purchasing an indoor fern you felt worse, then in this case the answer to the question of whether it is possible to keep this flower at home becomes obvious: it is not advised to continue keeping it.
  • Signs and superstitions are advised to be wary of not only indoor, but also garden fern. Sometimes it happens that the cultures that grow nearby cannot stand the neighborhood with this flower and begin to fade. In such a situation, the fern should be transplanted to another place or simply dug up and destroyed.

There is a way to get out of trouble. In order to prevent the negative influence of this plant, it is advisable to place it in an energetically unfavorable place: where there are several household electrical appliances at once. As a result, it will draw energy for its growth and development right here, without harming human health.


Why esotericists do not advise keeping it at home

Signs tell differently whether it is possible to keep a fern at home, and therefore it can be difficult to understand how to be in reality. At the same time, esotericists quite easily explain the negative influence of this plant.

  1. According to the signs, you cannot bring a fern from the forest in order to plant it later in your country house. This plant is surrounded by a mystical aura, and wild specimens are endowed with the worst properties. They must stay where they grew, otherwise the flower will begin to attract some setbacks to your yard.
  2. As for whether it is possible to plant the fern that you previously kept in the apartment on the site, there is also a rather difficult situation here. The fact is that the plant feeds on energy. And if earlier the flower drew it from a large number of household appliances, then, being in the garden, it will take this same energy from the crops growing nearby.
  3. Since this plant absorbs a lot of oxygen, it is highly undesirable to put it near your bed. Otherwise, in the morning you will feel a severe headache.
  4. As for allergic reactions, everything is quite simple here: due to the large number of spores on the leaves.
  5. If you have not managed to get along with the fern, then signs are highly discouraged to keep it further in your apartment. Otherwise, you can seriously harm your health and even lose your biofield. According to popular belief, the flower must be urgently taken out of the house.

Signs about the fern are quite controversial, so first of all, if you keep it in your home, you should pay attention to your own health. The same situation is with plants planted in the garden.

You noticed that the flower has a negative effect, it is better to get rid of it, if everything is in order, continue to look after, and it, in turn, will become a reliable amulet for you and your home.

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